What have you been reading?


Well-Known Member
I've just finished reading "The Metamorphosis" by Franz Kafka. I assume the plot is well known, so I won't go into it, but I really enjoyed it and I'm still thinking about it. I believe it is a well written thought experiment about what is our identity, what defines us, what makes me, me.


Well-Known Member
I just finished reading If I Stay and Where She Went by Gale Foreman. It's a YA novel about a young girl whose life has suddenly changed after an accident killed all her family members. It's a good book, and it has been adapted into a movie recently starring Chloe Grace Moretz.


Well-Known Member
I just started Insurgent by Veronica Roth. It's pretty good. It's the second book after Divergent which was interesting but really weird. I'm continuing with the series mostly to see how it ends.


Well-Known Member
I'm reading again "Rich Dad Poor Dad" this book is one of the best books of finances. The book helped me to know that I don't have to work for money, only work for passion, fun and to acquire more knowledge. It is an excellent book of truth and I recommend it to everyone. Especially to people who want to have a good base financial.


Active Member
I've actually been reading The Bible, my friend recommended me to read it. I've never actually read The Bible, but it's been a great read. I'm a Christian, so it's normal for me to be reading The Bible. If you're Christian or not, it's still a great book. I recommend everyone to read it. Spread God's word!


Well-Known Member
It was a book bucket challenge and i was reading one of the recommendations.
Message In a Bottle and Wedding- Nicholas Spark This made me swear off romances. Book snob- couldn't take his poignant romantic stories at all. I recently started reading the Master of game but it was the case of too much hype..too much expectations. felt like the book wasnt worth such a hype! i feel like i have left out lots of other books,for this.


Well-Known Member
On Saturday, I went to the library and as usual headed to the fiction section. I choose to read a mills and boon romance novel that was small in size so that I could finish it within the library hours. I am always intrigued how people meet, fall in love, get married and live happily ever after.


Well-Known Member
I have not been able to read anything lately because I have been busy with work. I enjoy reading romance novels. I think the last book that I read was called The Little Princess. It was about a little girl who lived with her father that was in the military. When she got a certain age she had to go to a boarding school where she was treated like a princess because her father was very wealthy.