
Well-Known Member
My dream last night centered around me feeding Godzilla marshmallows. I was riding on one of his shoulders, I don't know which side, and I was toasting marshmallows on his "dragon breath". We were walking all over countries, and it was really fun.

It felt really weird though when I woke up. So, what is the weirdest dream you ever had? Share!


Well-Known Member
I often have a dream where i am stuck in the amazon forest and adventures there begin.It happens often.The one which makes me get up and stare at the wall in the middle of the night only to later realize it is a dream is a python attack.It might sound silly,but the intensity of that situation is terrifying.There are many other "attacks" i can't seem to recollect.


Well-Known Member
I always have weird dreams that I wake up and I am like "Why in the world did that even happen." I think my weirdest dream was when I was in the middle of the ocean on a piece of drift wood having sex. I don't remember any details of it or anything but it is just the weirdest place to even do those kinds of acts. In the middle of the ocean? The heck!


Well-Known Member
I have shared my weird dream with several people that it has developed a life of its own. I dreamt that my mom had given me a toad and told me to keep it locked up at all times. It managed to escape when I had gone to run an errand. When I called my mom to tell her about the escaped frog, she came over to help me locate it. When I woke up I was literal on my knees in bed looking for the frog.


My weirdest dream was I had a lot of girls that I dated even though I'm not that kind of person I don't usually interact with girls as much and I'm not a social person at all only talked about 5 people 3 guys and 2 girls I guess cause i feel more comfortable but i'm not dating anyone at all or never going to date until I get to college cause I want to have someone that can be in my life forever.


Well-Known Member
I had some pretty awesome dreams when I was a kid. Reoccurring ones. They were scary at the time, but they got so frequent, it became fun lol.. and I was one of those people who could control their dreams, so if it got too much, I could change the story or wake myself up. One of my faves was dreaming about King Kong LOL. He used to stop in on my dreams all the time and they were so great. When I woke up anyway, not while I was having them. Yeah.. King Kong and I go way back.. he feels like a buddy haha. Anyway.. he came back the other night! I was so excited when I woke up, it was like being reunited with an old friend lol.. King Kong rawks :)


Well-Known Member
Me caught up with a mermaid in a compromising position and getting caught by her husband...:p
Lolz..just kidding,being chased by a pig was my weirdest ever dream.i couldn't even shoo it away.