Vandalism/Petty Theft


Well-Known Member
A small hotel/B&B where I work has experienced a number of acts of vandalism or petty theft over the years. Instances I remember include seat cushions stolen off patio furniture, a guest room name sign ripped off the door, the side of a building tagged with the name "Walt" and the worst one, a window broken by someone throwing a rock through it.

No one has ever been seen or caught doing these things, but I have often wondered, if someone was caught doing something like this, what kind of consequences would they face?
They would be charged for vandalism and I think you should set up a simple security webcam to catch the criminal in the act. Things like that are pretty annoying and will end up costing the B&B money. That means less money to pay for other things like employees and maintenance. Hope you catch them!
Vandalism might seem like a petty crime, but it costs a lot to repair and restore items that have been vandalised. The best way to prevent it would be to have CCTV and other forms of monitoring, although this might raise privacy concerns. I for one would like to see much steeper punishments meted out for vandalism, people who vandalize have no respect at all for other people's property, and should be regarded in the same light as people who steal from others.
Here, if they were caught, they would get maybe a warning. Maybe a fine, and most likely have to pay restitution.

For shoplifting here, the stores used to catch the person, then offer "Are you willing to sign a contract that you will pay us $250? If not, we are calling the police". They also sometimes took pictures of the person and legally was permitted to display it. This not only brought shame, but would alert others to be on the look out.
I doubt they would ever set up cameras, they aren't the type. I only work there part time now, I have transferred my primary job to somewhere else because the property there is already in disrepair and I doubt they will invest in a couple of critical repairs before the situation snowballs out of control. I was just wondering what would happen in someone was caught. I know when they ripped the sign off, the room just didn't have one for like, 6 months before they got around to getting a new one.