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2013 my family's personal documentation was stolen, Marriage Certificate, Birth Certificates, Our daughter's Social Security Card, Her Baptism Record along with our Family Bible ( a wedding gift).

This has been scary & frustrating I try to keep in touch with the investigating officer. I do not feel any investigating has taken place. I asked his advice on a couple of issues. What do you think about everyone having a thumb print in a national pool. Where you bank, when you purchase items, voting, credit bureaus, Your Medical Insurance Company, Credit Cards etc. In my opinion this is the only true way to identify someone,if criminals can have finger prints Non criminals can have thumb prints to be proactive to Identity Theft. The Smart Phone uses a finger print to open
Using finger prints for identification is a great idea however there are so many obstacles in its way that it may be a very long time before you will see them being used by banks, cc companies... First issue is that it would be very expensive for all banks, cc companies... to gather everyone's finger prints and then store them in a national database. Second it would be very expensive for all retailers to revamp their systems to handle checking finger prints to make sure they match the card holder. Most large retailers have the cost of fraud built into the selling price of their products so they are not on board. Third, there are many people who would refuse to give their finger prints to anyone much less a national database. Until they figure out a way to make the system for everyone I don't foresee finger prints catching on (I hope I am worng).

I use something called protectmyid (you can do a google search for it). They notify me every time my ss is used in any fashion. I will vouch for it, I have gotten notices even when I applied for credit or increased my credit limit on a credit card. I was given a year of it for free because I have a target cc and when they went through their hacking adventure last year they offered it to anyone who has a target card or anyone who had shopped during the security breach with any cc. You may want to look into it.

As far as the investigation goes, identity theft is one of the hardest crimes to solve. Thieves usually do the damage and then leave. They are not typically local to your town or even your state so the trails usually run dry quickly. It is one of the most difficult and prolific crimes out there but until the financial institutions and vendors who end up having to cover the losses agree to make a change, things are not going to change.
Here's a question. If you don't know who did it. If you don't have any leads. If you are not getting alerts about your identity being compromised. How much more "investigation" do you think they can do? They're not Batman. An investigation needs to move forward to get resolved. Without that, it's not going anywhere, even if they want it to.