The division between police and citizens


New Member
In the past 10 years do you feel like the police and the citizens have divided? Growing up as a cops daughter I remember the connection between citizens and police officers, they were always welcomed and everyone was happy to see them. Nowadays, being a cop, I feel like has a lot of pressure on each and everyone. I feel like the main reason why there has been such a division between police and citizens is because the media portrays police as the enemy today. With all these young parents, putting in their children's ear "a natural hate" for authoritative figures. Do you feel like the division is going to keep getting worse or do you think that there are certain things to do (community policing..etc) that could help restore the bond. I hate it for police officers in today's day and age because they are feared and hated more than any job that I know. Thoughts?
I think you are correct in your assessment. The media has definitely brought a lot of publicity to the few bad cops out there and the tragedies that have happened as a result of their actions. I also do feel that there is a serious lack of accountability in many police forces. It is just bizarre to me that in all the years I have heard about incidents of a cop shooting an unarmed person, I can not remember a single time where the cop faced any charges for it. Something is definitely not right there, and that is a big reason people are now afraid of cops.
IMO the cops themselves are to some extent responsible for making the people they are supposed to serve hate or distrust them. You see it hardly matter what the media says about the cops. When someone gets harassed by a cop or something they'll tell others. Those others will tell other people. It just keeps spreading. The only way for policemen to clean up their act is to do exactly what they are supposed to be doing, "serve and protect."
I doubt that there is much that can be done to restore that bond, there will always be those that hate the cops no matter what,they have it installed in their heads to hate cops and they influence others to beilieve that cops are bad people without even giving the cops a chance to prove themselves.
It really only takes a few bad apples not being held accountable for their actions to really ruin public opinion and instil fear in people. I know I sensed some of that for much more than 10 years, it seems like it was starting at least when I was a kid, if not much earlier than that.

It's like there is this brotherhood in the police force, and they are all supporting each other 100% no matter what one of the does, so somehow they are protected and get away with it.
Definitely, with terrorism leading to increased surveillance and increasing unemployment leading to higher crime incidence, there has been more friction between police and criminals/citizens. The media has been perpetuating this as well in my opinion.
It definitely feels like an us vs. them mentality. I remember when I used to work in N. Philly with the police and all the Puertoricans would hate them. I never really understood why at that time but now that I look back I can understand it better. That was the beginning of the "great divide" as I call it. Now this divide isn't so much a cultural thing anymore which you'll be able to take note of if you simply look at who all is doing the protesting of the recent verdicts in places like Ferguson - the white people are right next to the black people saying that things just aren't right anymore. What I don't get though is where this divide started or how.
I think that too much news on bad cops is ruining the reputation and purpose of police period. Which isn't a good thing. What's necessary is for people to realize that and not let the bad apples spoil it for the good. A lot of cops are corrupt, but not all of them.
I totally understand what you are saying. I remember growing up and getting excited to see cop cars in my neighborhood. My friends and I would wave to them and we would chat it up with them. Now there is this fear that hits me when I see a police car. I don't like that feeling.
The division between police and citizens is quite quiet clear and known very well to almost all citizens. I am sure that the police know about these laws and boundaries much better than that of the citizens. Hence it is duty of the police to properly implement these boundaries.*
The division between police and citizens is quite quiet clear and known very well to almost all citizens. I am sure that the police know about these laws and boundaries much better than that of the citizens. Hence it is duty of the police to properly implement these boundaries. I*
I agree that the media tries to give cops a bad name, but a policeperson's job has never been an easy one. They have to deal with the dredges of society, and when they have to act, every action is going to be analyzed by citizens, their bosses, and everyone else. It is the nature of the job. You could say civilian and police relations are different today because there is more accountability on the officer's part these days. Fifty years ago no one questioned an officer's word, but today it's a different ballgame.