Tanzania police arrest 32 witch-doctors over ritual albino killings


Well-Known Member
Witchdoctors. Yeah, they still exist. In East Africa, the belief that the organs of albinos can be used to make potions or whatever it is witchdoctors make has seen hundreds of Albinos kidnapped and murdered. The Tanzanian government has decided to take action.

Tanzania police arrest 32 witch-doctors over ritual albino killings | World news | The Guardian

Police in Tanzania said on Friday they had arrested 32 witch-doctors this week as part of a campaign against ritual killings of albinos.

Activists say attackers have killed at least 75 albinos in the east African country since 2000 to use their limbs and other body parts as charms meant to guarantee success in love, life and business.

The albinos can now stop living in fear I suppose.
I hope this really leads to some positive thought among the people and start living a better life. I do believe it is really sad when animals killed for such purpose. It is pathetic. It is best to try out and learn more about these people to stop them from further crime.
I hope this really leads to some positive thought among the people and start living a better life. I do believe it is really sad when animals killed for such purpose. It is pathetic. It is best to try out and learn more about these people to stop them from further crime.

The article is talking about albino HUMANS, not albino rabbits!
Albinos are just as human as you and i. They should not be discriminated upon based on their skin color. Anyone who targets them for their own selfish interests should be arrested and made to face the full force of the law.Any senseless killing directed towards them should be condemned in the strongest terms possible.
I get it that people should be able to keep their ethnic traditions and things like that, but honestly if it comes down to killing an innocent person due to a ritual, that's where I draw the line!
Good, I hope this keeps up and makes them stop. It is a very disgusting and senseless tradition, just as all their sick rituals are.
That's racism in a different way, in a brutal way. That's far disturbing. Good thing, they have finally gotten hold of those witch doctors.
These old traditions need to stop and it can be hard when a community protects out of fear. They consider any abnormalities as means to sacrifice and it shows that society hasn't advanced in many parts of the world. Enforcing it is hard with the culture, but it is good the police are intervening and stopping any more witch doctors from being so brazen.
They ought to go a step further to protect albinos. Make it illegal for anyone to practice magic without approval. Licensed witchdoctors should also have premises where they conduct business. Premises which should be inspected from time to time to ensure that they don't use organs of humans or animals to make charms/"juju", etc That I believe would be the only way to stop these bastards.
@Rainman, I'm not sure licensing them will help. I just don't think it's healthy to make something like this legal. For example I still find it hard to get my head around licensed tarot card readers and the like, or certified healers. It's all wrong to be honest, because a piece of paper can be bought and doesn't prove anything or protect people. The worst part is when they bring their beliefs with them to other countries. In the UK there are reports of ritual killings and it's a cultural issue that has crossed over which is worrying.
I think this highlights the importance of education and wiping out backward, barbaric beliefs. It is great that these witch doctors were arrested but it is not unreasonable to think that there are more of them lurking out there.
Do they practice their religions secretly or does the government turn a blind eye on the ritual killings? Even if it's animals which are sacrificed wouldn't they [those responsible] still be charged with animal abuse? If people are against halal meat then this, ritual killings of animals is much worse.
@Rainman, I'm not sure licensing them will help. I just don't think it's healthy to make something like this legal. For example I still find it hard to get my head around licensed tarot card readers and the like, or certified healers. It's all wrong to be honest, because a piece of paper can be bought and doesn't prove anything or protect people.
Yep. They could still have some secret place where they'll meet clients who seek the sort of charms which have got them in trouble. Maybe they [their government] should just make witchcraft illegal, arrest all suspected witches, sorcerers and like, and lock them up. I'm sure if the people were asked to identify the witchdoctors they'd do it.
Do they practice their religions secretly or does the government turn a blind eye on the ritual killings? Even if it's animals which are sacrificed wouldn't they [those responsible] still be charged with animal abuse? If people are against halal meat then this, ritual killings of animals is much worse.

Yep. They could still have some secret place where they'll meet clients who seek the sort of charms which have got them in trouble. Maybe they [their government] should just make witchcraft illegal, arrest all suspected witches, sorcerers and like, and lock them up. I'm sure if the people were asked to identify the witchdoctors they'd do it.

Maybe there are some in the government that are involved themselves, or they are afraid of the witchdoctors and leave them. My ex landlady who is eccentric had an African medicine stick and I wouldn't touch it as it had allegedly 'healed' many people, but with my spidey senses it didn't feel right and felt very dark. I do think they should make it a criminal offense, but many would continue in secret as in some villages it would be hard to enforce.
That's racism in a different way, in a brutal way. That's far disturbing. Good thing, they have finally gotten hold of those witch doctors.

That's not racism... Albinos are not a race.

It might be insanity and other fucked things (and it probably is), though!