No, you're not a bad parent. It's not our job to be dictators, it's our job to guide them. There is no guidance if we're telling them how to live. Where is the growth if they can't make decisions for themselves (with your input, of course). I don't limit what they listen to. The problem people have with some of it is language.. and my kids have been raised to not be offended by language. They're just words and intent should dictate if we get offended or not.. not some words in a song. My kids are their own people, I have no right to tell them how to live their lives. I arm them with the tools they need to survive and make the smartest decisions for themselves, treat them with the same respect I would give anyone else (more, actually) and they haven't disappointed yet. When kids are respected and trusted, they go above and beyond. Hold them back and they rebel.