New Buy-it-Now Listing: Motorola 8505241U05 Antenna


New Member
A new Buy-it-Now listing has been posted by BatteryBrokers:

Motorola 8505241U05 Antenna

The description for this listing is:


Motorola 8505241U05 Heliflex Antenna, UHF Band, Whip Antenna 403-520 MHz Heliflex antennas are specifically engineered for maximum output and greatest communication coverage. This 8505241U05 is a 403-520 MHz, 6 inch UHF band flexible whip antenna. Motorola 8505241U05 is compatible with XTS5000, XTS4250, XTS3500, XTS 3000, Visar, MTX-LS, MTX9000, MTX8000, MTX838, MTS2000, MT2000, JT1000, HT1000, Astro Saber.
