
Active Member
If you are one of those people that talk about wanting to become healthier, my advice is "just do it". Nike has the perfect slogan. I love it.

People like to spend time reading/thinking/talking about losing fat or building muscle. If this is you, then you are wasting your thoughts and your time. Quit thinking about it and just do it.

We all know how to improve our health. Everyone does. Even at the most basic level of thinking, you already know that cutting out junk food and being active will improve your health.

Motivation is for the weak. People love to talk about getting motivated and it's the wrong way of thinking. This is a society created around "not being independent".

Be independent. You don't need anyone or anything. Just do it. You already know what to do.

Quit looking for motivation and focus on being DISCIPLINED. Discipline creates results, motivation creates conversation.

Be disciplined.


Well put, Lexi.

Another advice - fitness is a long term thing! Don't go into it too hard and expect to see results tomorrow - it won't happen. But once you start reaping benefits, you'll love it, trust me.

I've been watching my diet and working out since the beginning of this year (a resolution that I'm actually sticking to, for a change), and I just love it & couldn't stand not doing it.

So just do it. :D


Active Member
I'm the same way, I actually feel depressed if I'm not working out at least twice a week. If I didn't exercise and eat healthy, I would be a miserable girl! That for sure.

I think for most people, the problem is "change". Wee are so stuck in our everyday patterns that people don't like to try something new. People find it difficult to make changes in their life. It's not difficult to do at all though. If a person is disciplined, they can do it. Anything going against the phrase "just do it" are just excuses.

Everyone has discipline inside of them. They need to realize it and use it to live the life they dream about.


Well-Known Member
People like to spend time reading/thinking/talking about losing fat or building muscle. If this is you, then you are wasting your thoughts and your time. Quit thinking about it and just do it.

How exactly is reading/thinking/talking about exercising wasting my time? When I'm reading and talking about exercising, I'm learning new things to help improve my workout efficiency. Thinking about it doesn't waste my time at all, considering I can think about it while doing other things.

Motivation is for the weak. People love to talk about getting motivated and it's the wrong way of thinking. This is a society created around "not being independent".

You have to understand that some people are weak. Some people need motivation. "Just do it" is much easier said than done. It's easy for people like you and I to say "oh, just go workout," because we enjoy it and we're used to it.

Be independent. You don't need anyone or anything. Just do it. You already know what to do.

But some people don't know what to do. Sure, people know that eating less/eating healthier will help them lose weight, but do they know how to track their macros? Do they know what exercises to perform and what quantity of the exercises to perform? In addition to quantity, do they know how to perform quality exercises with good form? That's something that you have to research and learn from talking to people, but wait, you just discouraged that.

Quit looking for motivation and focus on being DISCIPLINED. Discipline creates results, motivation creates conversation.

Be disciplined.

Again, this is much easier said than done. Telling someone to "be disciplined" isn't going to magically make someone disciplined. If it were that easy we wouldn't have so many obese people in the world.


Well-Known Member
This is an apt slogan for every aspect of life.I mean it renders a thousand meanings and no wonder Nike is getting al lthe recognition for this.For instance,this might sound sill..i "just did" what my prof asked to do,and i was awarded a plus 5..i told you ..that was silly.
it really is helpful in many an instance..Kudos to nike..:p


Active Member
You can make all the excuses that you want but, anyone can be disciplined. You just need to do it. Quit thinking. Get out of your mind. Follow your desires and do whatever it takes to get them.

The outcome of your life will depend on the mindset that you live with. Be disciplined and live with the "just do it" mindest. No matter how hard something is, you can do it. These are thoughts needed to succeed. Beyond that, quit thinking.

When I say talking/reading/thinking are a waste of time, I am meaning that you will gain more out of "doing" then all three of those combined. Even if you don't know very much - everyone has an idea of how to become healthier. start eating healthier and get active. That is a start. You will learn as you go. You can spend time researching different methods of achieving your goals easier. But, the main thing is to start. You can improve on your routine later.

People love to sit in front of a computer and read up on health while barely doing anything about their health. You can have all the answers in the world but, if you aren't putting those answers to use, then the person with less knowledge and more effort, is winning.

Doing is more important then knowing. You already know enough to get started. So start.

Eat plenty of healthy fats and green veggies. Focus on eating a diet with low levels of toxins. Keep the junk food to a minimum. Drink plenty of water and sleep well. Start doing full body exercies since working the full body stimulates your whole body and you will create a stronger body in doing so. I just gave you all the advice you need. If you put in lots of effort doing what I just said in these few sentences, you would achieve amazing results.


Well-Known Member
I beg to disagree in this statement: Quit looking for motivation and focus on being DISCIPLINED. Discipline creates results, motivation creates conversation.

People who are trying to get fit should have the right mix of disciple and motivation. Focusing on only being disciplined is the main reason why some people get that "overexercised" or "fatigued" look.

Also: Doing is more important then knowing.

Doing and knowing are both very important. Just doing something without knowing everything about it is very dangerous.

I'm sorry. I just disagree with some of the things that you are putting out here. They are sending wrong messages.


Active Member
Enough with the excuses. Being disciplined does not mean over-exercising. It means, sticking to the workout schedule.

It's better to be disciplined and "do" something that you already know will make your body stronger - such as jogging - then it is to read about all the info you can find and hardly putting it to use.

My post was about going for what you want and not sitting around wasting time.

Nothing wrong with telling people to go for what they want in life. Only weak people would have a problem with it. I don't care if that statement offends someone. It's my opinion.


Well-Known Member
I agree that discipline is good, but we will never have discipline if we don't have motivation, so we need to work on that first.


Well-Known Member
Only talking about it can not help, so you are right someone needs to get up and just do it, its easier said than done , but that is the way out.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you. It takes discipline. I have to admit I struggle with it myself. Any thing we want to achieve we have to work for it and be committed. If you just say I want to be healthy but not taking any of the necessary steps does not mean anything it is only talk.


Well-Known Member
Good advice, Lexi! Another tip that I find that helps is to wake up early! I always found myself saying "I don't have enough time to do x,y and z." Waking up early means you have no excuse and you can get so much more done.


Well-Known Member
I like the mantra but it doesn't tell you what to do! I think a lot of the reason why people get stuck is because they know they should be doing something but don't know what to do or where to start.

That's really the problem with analysis paralysis - you're trying so hard to work out what exactly to do and how to do it, you get stuck and do nothing. Maybe there should be an acccompanying "Just Do Anything" logo for those that are overthinking things all the time.


Active Member
I just read many of the the replies to this thread and you all have very good points that are right on. I personally love to workout and exercise. But, the one thing I strongly feel we all must have is motivation to keep pushing forward. I believe it is all a mental process that we must be ready to make and do several days a week. I know I have fallen off the band wagon a few times in my life and "yes" I get terribly down on myself. It can be really hard to refocus my efforts and get back on track. But, I know in the whole realm of things, just like everything else in our lives, it all starts and ends with "you".