Is the law blinded by celebrity?


Well-Known Member
Some of you may have heard of the recent child sexual abuse case involving Ian Watkins, lead singer of The Lost Prophets. During the hearing, it was revealed that an ex-girlfriend of his, Joanne Mjadzelics had reported him to the police on four separate occasions, the first time being in 2008. Watkins wasn't arrested until 2012.

Police reports at the time referred to Mjadzelics as a "disgruntled ex-partner" and stated that there was no evidence of criminal activity. She was written off as some kind of celebrity stalker.

Watkins went on to abuse other children between 2008 and 2012. The IPCC, who oversee complaints made about UK police officers, are now investigating this case. What do you think about this story? Were the investigating officers involved blinkered by Watkins' celebrity status?

More information on this case here: BBC News - IPCC look into why police ignored Ian Watkins warnings
Of course it is. There really is no question about if Celebrities get off the hook more often than regular people. You see celebrities throwing parties all the time where there are drugs being passed around, but you never hear about celebrities getting charged with possession with intent to distribute. Lets not even get into all the times Athletes get off the hook for drunkenly behavior or road violations.
It is true that in any country the celebrities are more privileged just because people admire them. I believe a lot of people prefer to use the privilege of police excuses for granted. Hence, a lot more people flow these celebrity.
It is not blinded by celebrity,but by money.Most politicians/celebs use money to blind the law officials.I did hear about the watkins case and i am pretty sure money had a major role in it.
Of course they are, without a doubt. The status makes all the difference in the world, But in the eye's of justice it should not. We need to start looking at this as a serious problem.
Well, yes. But I think it's also due to the fact that celebrities hire PR people that will "know" how to keep things quiet and tidy if they screw up (ie, someone will make a nice deal at some point) and if sh*t really hits the fan, then they can hire very good lawyers. I think these two points give a lot of stars a good amount of leeway that us normal people just couldn't dream of.
It may be so but around my neck of the woods, that is not the case. Just the other week a high profile football player was arrested when he got angry and kicked his girlfriend's car.They have cracked down on anyone who is high profile or with celebrity status.
The law is definitely blinded by the society in many ways. I think that a lot of people prefer to not to talk about it. But the truth is law is always binded by powerful people.
The law is definitely blinded by the society in many ways. I think that a lot of people prefer to not to talk about it. But the truth is law is always binded by powerful people.
yes.Absolutely.Just what i wanted to add.Thumbs up to you.
People get subdued by this idea that power can "do anything" on them.They don't have the guts to rise up and question.I am not talking about someone,but just generalizing.
Definitely, the rich and famous get off much lighter for any infractions against the law. While we claim to have an impartial justice system it's evident that it can be swayed if you yield enough influence in society.
Stardom will definitely blind some police officers. It really depends on the crime. Officers seem to have no have no trouble in pulling over a drunk driving celebrity, but some may turn a blind eye to smaller things.
Stardom will definitely blind some police officers. It really depends on the crime. Officers seem to have no have no trouble in pulling over a drunk driving celebrity, but some may turn a blind eye to smaller things.
Celebrities do have a better life than many of us when it comes to dealing with crime. They absolutely get off easier and have more money to hire more outrageous attorneys than most of us could afford. Notice how I dis not say good attorney. Some attorneys just make stupid claims to get media attention for the star clients.
It's easier for a celebrity to get away with a crime simply because most police officers are but regular Joe's who don't want trouble. Fact is, celebs are rich. They can hire numerous attorneys some of whom will stop at nothing to get their client freed. So maybe a few cops who know what the outcome might be for some crimes see no point in arresting such a person.
I sometimes think that law is blinded by celebrity. But this happens quite rarely. I think it mostly happens when we are least expecting it.
Famous people have an advantage for sure. They have a notion that the law doesn't apply to them. As if they are above it some how which they aren't. The money that powers their ego's is all it takes to get them off more times then none. Sometimes even that isn't enough, and they do get a taste of good old american justice.
I definitely think the law is blinded by celebrity, social class and money. There have been a number of cases where a crime has been committed by someone in the celebrity space that has been given a far lighter sentence than someone from the lower echelons of society. And we all know that a blind eye has been shown to a lot of individuals that got away with far more than they should have.
It depends on the celebrity, if it is a celebrity that everyone likes they might get lighter sentences. But if it is a celebrity that has a bad boy image, sometimes they get punished harsher then for the crime. Martha Steward got off pretty like considering the seriousness of her crime. Most of the time since celebreties are not followed by reporters, if they commit crimes it is pretty hard for it to be ignored by the police.
I absolutely do think that a lot of cops and other various higher up officials sometimes turn a blind eye to anyone that is famous. People want to believe that this isn't happening but the proof speaks for itself in a lot of cases. It's pretty disgusting to think about actually.
Well, the initial example is an extreme one but of course it can be blinded by celebrity. Can you imagine how many celebrities have gotten off without a ticket when driving because of who they are? Although if we are going to use that as an example then we have to say sometimes the law is blinded by beauty as well. If you're a pretty girl who gets pulled over you know exactly what I'm talking about.