Have you served in the military?


Well-Known Member
I just enlisted in the Marines a month ago and I ship to recruit training next June. I was just wondering if anyone else on here as ever served in the military. If so, what branch and what was your MOS? How did you enjoy military life?


Well-Known Member
No I have never served in the military; you are doing such a great thing to serve your nation and its people. I believe that every good deed done is stored in a bank of life whose returns will find you when you need it. Give the best from your heart and good things will follow you for the rest of your life.


Well-Known Member
No..but i get stuff like clothes and utensils and other requisites from the military bazaar.My distant relative is a lieutenant and i get to buy stuffs in his name.Serving in the military is a pride in itself.
They sacrifice it all,and honestly i believe i am not that material.I haven't had that notion at all,all my life.


Active Member
I served in the U.S. Air Force and I was in transportation. I loved my MOS and I loved military life. I loved how anywhere you went you were surrounded by family. I loved the commoradity. I have been out for about 12 years and I miss it.


Well-Known Member
No I have not, I do have a nephew in the Navy. As much as I enjoy hearing about it from him, I can't say I would like to be away as often as he is.


Active Member
No, I haven't, and even if it was compulsory, I'd try to weasel out of it. I shudder at the prospect of being responsible for the death of another human being, no matter how threatening they are. I am aware the military also helps in areas hit by natural disasters, but it's not like I could do only that and never have to be in a mission.


Well-Known Member
I have not served in the military but my mom was a chaplain and my dad was in the air force. I have never served in the armed forces. I hope to think of serving some day I am just not sure when.


No.It is one of the jobs that I really hate with all my heart.I consider it as a risk,punishment and job that aims at exhausting my energy with no benefit.
Most of the guys who have served the military die poor.


I never did but I think about it a lot. I should of joined right out of high school. Pick up a good trade, stick it out for 20 years and retire with a good monthly paycheck.


Well-Known Member
First, thank you for deciding to join the military! :)

Second, I have never tried it. I am not confident that I will do a great job protecting my country. I have always been in awe of those who chose to serve though. I hope that many more people will choose this path.


Well-Known Member
I have never served in the military or any other form of armed duty. I guess it is because that not only am I a big coward, but also detest any form of rigid living like in the military. I have great respect for people who willingly enlist into service.


Active Member
I wonder how many have been in the military prior to becoming a cop?

It would probably be good training for potential police work.