Have you ever met what you would consider an unethical officer?


Well-Known Member
This can mean different things to different people. "Unethical" can be something they did to break the law, neglecting their job duties, or other things. I have heard rumors for years that certain police were doing the drugs they confiscated. I imagine most of that is lies. I have not known seen any unethical actions personally, but I had heard my neighbor was fired from the force because he had sex with a teenager in his patrol car. He was fired, but I cannot confirm that was the reason. I think most police act ethically. It is probably one of the hardest jobs in the world. When you are facing people that have no compunction to be law-abiding citizens, I think most cops occasionally step outside the law to do their job. is this unethical, to catch someone who is committing much worse offenses? Not in my book.