Florida Residents are Insane!

Rhoda D'Ettore

Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, but it seems like every time we see a new crazy story, it is out of Florida.

A woman spread mothballs all over her driveway to keep animals away. The neighbors are complaining that there are over 400 mothballs, and the car crushing them is causing respiratory problems, horrible smells and coughing for them and their children.

Seriously? This is hard to believe unless the houses are really close together. Mothballs do repel snakes, I know that. And it is her driveway. Who cares what she puts there?

People are nuts. Maybe we should make this the "Crazy Florida" thread and find the funny stories. LOL
Ah Florida! It's not surprising. Though I've heard worse stories from that coming from Florida. I can't think of any right now, but most were crime-related and weird-related. What's the weirdest and strangest story you ever heard from Florida? The kind of story that makes you go...what the hell?