Dump Truck Crushes Two Cruisers


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The 31-year-old driver dump truck driver who is accused of crushing two Prince George’s County Police cars on Wednesday, was charged Thursday with attempted murder of two police officers.

Police said the driver, Gene Thomas Brandon, "intentionally" rammed into the marked police cruisers in the parking lot of Woodmore Towne Center in Glenarden.

Authorities say, Brandon, who was driving a dump truck, with the name Allstar Utility Company Inc. on its door pulled up next to the two officers and allegedly screamed at the two officers who were talking next to their vehicles.

“The dump truck then drives away, and then a very short time later he has circled around the parking lot and purposely, we believe drives into the two police cruisers, the officers standing nearby. Thankfully they were not in their cruisers at the time. Thankfully they were not hurt,†said Lt. Bill Alexander.


Authorities say the dump truck hit into the back of one cruiser, forcing it into the second car. Both vehicles were pushed more than 50 feet.

Brandon was taken into custody by police. A motive for the attack was not immediately known, police said Brandon has mental health issues and had not been taking his medication.


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I'm not even sure how to react to this type of stupidity. I mean i am inclined to believe he must have been on some type of drugs to make him doing something like this. Now he is charged with attempted murder of two police officers...just horrible
A wide fast turn as if he's in a sports car. I didn't listen to this video, just watched. The guy yelled at the cops standing on the side. He probably didn't hit the car on purpose. Seems like he was mad they were parked there. He must thought that this was a bad place to park. I don't know. We all know trucks whether they are driving fast or slow have to take a wide turn. I'd have to see the area better. I'm not sure I get how this was intentional.
What an impressive picture. I mean, if he wanted to kill them he could have been more effective, this is stupidity indeed.
What the hell is going on at the moment?! Another attempted murder of police officers! Clearly a lot of people have a bit of a beef with the police at the moment. Hopefully, it's not a passage of copycat behavior we're seeing.
That dude had indeed forgotten to take his medication and until further investigations are done,he should not be held criminally liable.He probably was not in his right frame of mind when he rammed the truck into the police cars.
Attempted Murder? Are you serious? Two officers standing out side and not sitting in the car and this is attempted murder. It's clear the police have target on their back and for good reasons, but this wasn't a case of attempted murder.