Doctor Took Nude Photos Of Woman, Police Say


Well-Known Member
"The woman would not perform sexually for me."

That's the doctor's excuse for committing the crime. The creep knowing that the woman [I'm assuming she was his patient at one time] took drugs to help her sleep, took the opportunity to undress her when she was unconscious. But was that enough for the pervert?
he used sex toys on an unconscious woman and photographed her without her consent.
Now that, certainly is going way overboard for not getting sexual favors which he thought he was owed.

Doctor charged with taking nude photographs of unconscious woman, state police say |
I don't know how you manage to find some of the worst filth out there, but continue to do so. These need to be brought to light. These are creepy not only because they're true, but because people like this are doing this all over the world. This isn't the first time, just a highly documented time. Each time I read these articles, it is because of how very depraved it is.

It's enlightening to know some doctors truly have no borders.. ugh. Distasteful. Raping them. Who wants an unresponsive body anyways... seems he might be a developing necrophiliac, just on warm bodies for starters. Disgusting to think.
I think that one of the main problems for people who are in the position of a doctor is the fact that it must be so, so easy for them to go forward and abuse their position. Because when people go to visit them, they are quite obviously at the most vulnerable that they are ever going to be. So stories like this really do need to be brought to light and sorted out, as this should help to make sure that nobody is going to have to go through this with a person who they're supposed to be able to trust again. I also hope that anybody who has suffered in this way manages to speak out, because then the people who are responsible can be brought to justice so that they don't have to go through anything again.
You can not trust anyone, this is a cold world and when you let your guard down is when they get you, now if she didn't want to have sex with him why would she still keep him as her doctor? Something sounds strange about this story.
I'm not sure that she was his patient. The report says that the assualt took place "at a private residence" between May and August 2014. This suggests that they were having some sort of relationship, not necessarily sexual.

Not that it's any excuse though.
This is outright disgusting, but I guess we, as a species, should expect to have a few rotten apples in our midst. Aren't doctors usually tested mentally, like police officers? If they are, how come they haven't caught this pervert until now?
It does seem like they had a relationship of sorts. I don't think she is his patient: it is said that he knows she is prescribed this sleeping drug, not that he prescribed it to her (which would make him her doctor). Also, they do seem to share a private residence, as I don't think that she would fall asleep next to an unknown doctor, and especially not this many times over the months. So, I'd say they were in a relationship -- but the newspaper mentions it did not want to clarify to preserve the identity of the woman. Of course, it is still very wrong because even in a relationship, if someone refuses something and you decide to just wait that they're knocked out, you essentially abuse/rape this person. But I think the article is a bit misleading in its ambiguity.
Wow, theres obviously something seriously wrong with this guy. He doesn't seem to feel any remorse for any of it. It makes me wonder just how many others he has coerced into performing sexual favors for him. How many others has he done this to in the past who have rejected him.
You would hope that a professional person such as a doctor would be more concerned the oath that he took and his reputation, but obviously this is not the case. These are the people trust and put confidence in. It's disturbing to hear something like this.