Do bus drivers ever get ticketed?


Well-Known Member
I take public transportation to work five days a week. To say the least, every bus driver isn't created equal. Some of them speed, weave and do other things that would merit a ticket. Yet, I don't recall ever seeing a police pull over one of these guys.

Do you ever ticket a bus driver?

Or, is there some other way in which they get in trouble for traffic infractions?


Active Member
I think busses don't get pulled over as often because, while perhaps they legally should, it can be a huge inconvenience to the passengers, some of whom are trying to get to work, home to their kids, etc. It would probably take a somewhat major driving infraction for them to get pulled over. However, if you observe them driving erratically, you can call the company or service that they drive for and tell them.


Well-Known Member
They are not pulled up unless it was some grave offense.Across the globe bus drivers may be pulled up,but here in India,it is only in dreams that happen.They think they are the govt and never stop even on traffic signals,and imagine what they would do when a cop flags them down.
MTC buses need to monitored by a GPS system here and the guilty ones punished to reduce number of accidents.


Well-Known Member
They can be pulled over by law, but they never are because it's either a minor charge or inconvenience speaks higher. After all, they're professional drivers and it's not like they'll lose control of the vehicle for going five miles over the limit.