Device that allows police to hear you inside your house


Well-Known Member
I wish I could put a name to this device, but I cannot find any information on it. I have seen it on TV shows though. The police sit in their car with ear plugs in, and they point a satellite dish-like device toward the house they want to eavesdrop on. They then supposedly can hear the conversations and listen for illegal activity. Is this device real? Does it really work from a 100 yards away? Does anyone have information about it?
I have seen it too on movies and though am a layman when it comes to technology, i think it captures the sound waves coming from a certain direction and amplifies the sound.I have no idea how effective it is from a certain range but i guess it's pretty functional.
Hmm, I have never even heard of such a device, but it certainly does sound interesting. Have you tried asking friends if they know any details about it? I have a friend who's a police officer, but he said he hasn't heard of this kind of device either.
I have seen that in the movies but I do not know if it works in real life. If this device exists, then it would help in enhancing better security. We have had incidences in my region where a criminal rents out a home in a residential area to create explosives. The neighbors are equally surprised when they see it on the news when he/she gets arrested or at worst blows a building in town.
I think that it's great that the police has the necessary technology that allows them to fight crime in a more effective way, well done.
I never heard of anything like this. Maybe there is something like this. It doesn't really matter because the majority of electronic devices and appliance are used for surveillance anyway. If they want access they've got it. Cameras at a traffic light are nonsense because now everything is on a satellite camera. There is access to know just about anything if they want it.
I don't have an information on it but there is something like this, I'm sure of it. We all have devices that have microphones on them, and I'm sure it's not hard to tune into the frequency of the mic. They have been spying on us for years, and it's only going to get worse. It seems like a major violation of our constitutional rights, once again.
Thank you for all of the replies. I still have not found any solid information on this device, as in if it's real or if it's in operation. I don't know if this would violate the "right to privacy" laws or not. If you are a wanted person, or suspected of serious legally activity, you cannot keep police from bursting into your house. That would be a breach of privacy, so to speak, so I am guessing that with probably cause, this device would be legal to use too.
It is a boon and a bane.We can't have someone intrude in to our privacy but at the same time it can be a vital cog to ensure our safety.It can't be decided with a single thought.
I don't see how that's possible without a device being planted in the house. How can they possibly listen from outdoors without a planted device to pick up the sounds? There has to be a bug somewhere in the house.
Just Google audio surveillance equipment and I am sure that you can find all that you want to know. There is certainly equipment that operates just like what you see "in the movies" and I am sure that law enforcement has much better equipment than what I was able to find in a matter of seconds on Google.

Generally, you have to have a search warrant from a judge to watch or listen to a suspect, but with today's technology I am sure that that is not always the case.
A device like this can be used to save lives. And it can also be used for less savory purposes. A device like this really throws the "you need a warrant" right that people have out the window as they would never even know they are being recorded. But then for it to be used in the US court system is another story. So if the police want to use such a device and have any information gathered from it admissible then they need a warrant. To get a warrant they would need enough proof that a person is up to no good. It is an infrigement on a civilian's rights (if used carelessly) but if it is going to be used to stop a potential bombing or terrorist plot then I am all for it.
Such a device would probably be made legal in suspected terrorism cases, through the Patriot Act. But I see it having a twofold value, the same as lie detector test. If you pass the test, there is no further interrogation. But if you fail, even though it can't be used in court, the police officers will certainly use it against you, continuing the questioning. I feel this device would be similar. If they found nothing of value, it would be swept away, but if they heard incriminating evidence, even if it couldn't be used in court, they would likely sit on the house with a 24-hour police presence.
I don't see how that's possible without a device being planted in the house. How can they possibly listen from outdoors without a planted device to pick up the sounds? There has to be a bug somewhere in the house.
Or they could just tap into your phones or could put up a small microphone inside a table lamp.They could have it anywhere..but it surely ain't feasible.
May be if a BEAT patrol is employed it can be done,else no.
Actually they have these devices that you can buy yourself, I know I have seen them used my law enforcement but they are sold in some stores, not sure what they are called but they used to be like play ones you could get in those stupid spy kits, I got one as a kid and I mean it wasn't high tech, but I could clearly hear people through walls.
Do you mean a bugging device? These have been used for a long time now. I am not sure if privacy laws apply during the course of a criminal investigation though, I bet there is some sort of loophole. I am curious as to how officers manage to place them too - do they need to gain access to the premises or is there some sort of supersensitive technology which can be placed on the exterior walls of the building.