Car or Motorcycle


How do you get to chose what you drive on patrol? Do you have to apply for certain divisions to chose the vehicle of your choice? I want to know?
I dont think that is for us to decide whether or not we get to drive a car or motorbike during patrol. It all depends on the availability of the unit to be used. And if you are referring to motor cops they have a separate unit that makes them special among the rest. Most of them are members of a highway patrol group that specializes on highway speed chase since motorbike are more faster and can generate torque on a small amount of time.
I dont think that is for us to decide whether or not we get to drive a car or motorbike during patrol. It all depends on the availability of the unit to be used. And if you are referring to motor cops they have a separate unit that makes them special among the rest. Most of them are members of a highway patrol group that specializes on highway speed chase since motorbike are more faster and can generate torque on a small amount of time.
I think the motorcycles would only be used in certain areas and situations, but other than that it's up to what's available and what/where/when you're patrolling or doing that shift.
Some of the motorcycle cops I've seen ride around like they scored big time getting the motorcycle. I'm guessing there is plenty of competition for those spots. It's such a guy thing to like the speed and maneuverability of a motorcycle.