Apology to Admin and Posters


Well-Known Member
I posted a way to make 10 dollars that I thought was legit. So I wanted to share it. Turns out it was a scam that basically fooled me also even though I am very wary of such things. So my apology to admin and fellow posters for posting about it without first making sure it was legitimate.

Cheers !


Well-Known Member
I saw that poster; it is easy for a site to be disguised as genuine. I have been a victim several times. The good thing is that you had the best interest at heart. I keep looking for all the lucrative ways to make an extra coin online. Apology accepted.


Well-Known Member
You posted an invite of sorts right.?.
You don't need to apologize for this happens often,but yes caution in the future will help.:D
Did you delete that thread or what..? because i can't seem to find it in your profile.


Well-Known Member
I didn't see it, but I probably wouldn't have fallen for it anyway. A lot of people fall for those things though. Like the envelop stuffers and my friend just got this mail that said "Send a dollar to all these people on the mailing list and you will make loads of money in three months." Yeah right, more like the person doing that will make money.