
  1. JoshPosh

    Weirdest Arrest?

    I was watching the news a few years back and there was this one guy that had been breaking into a store and was caught on video humping a pinata. What was your most memorable or weirdest arrest?
  2. D

    Do you play Video games?

    I do and I love them! I especially love Nintendo games. What are your favorite games?
  3. davidj96

    What is your favorite videogame?

    I personally enjoy playing Saints Row the Third every chance that I get. I like it because you can do so many fun things that you cant do in reality, and it's also a great way to pass time! Do any of you guys have a favorite video game?
  4. admin

    Funny Video, had to post.

    How many times have we all been sitting next to this person?:D
  5. Ricardo187

    Allowing video posting.

    Somehow I can't post videos/links in the forums, I don't know why. It says I'm not yet allowed to post links. I had a nice police video to share but this disallows me from doing so.