
  1. D

    How Old Does a Child Need to Be to Stay Home Alone?

    I have often wondered how old a child needs to be in order to stay home alone. A lot of people I talk to say there isn't an exact age according to the law and they can stay home as long as they are mature enough. I would think a 11 or 12 year old should be responsible enough, but can you get...
  2. milyjohnson

    Is there such a thing as a no self defense law

    One of my supervisor's at work is being stalked by a guy she doesn't know. She bought a knife to protect herself from him in case he tried to attack her. When he did approach her, she pulled the knife out on him. When the police got involved, the officer told her that if she stabbed him, she...
  3. Lexi

    Would this effect your chances of becoming a cop?

    My cousin wants to become a cop - it is all that he talks about. One thing that he mentioned before was how he hates being related to certain people in our family because, he feels that it will effect his chances of becoming a cop. If a few people in your family have a history of drug-use and...
  4. True2marie

    Do bus drivers ever get ticketed?

    I take public transportation to work five days a week. To say the least, every bus driver isn't created equal. Some of them speed, weave and do other things that would merit a ticket. Yet, I don't recall ever seeing a police pull over one of these guys. Do you ever ticket a bus driver...