
  1. JayeeDolo

    What have you been reading?

    I've just finished reading "The Metamorphosis" by Franz Kafka. I assume the plot is well known, so I won't go into it, but I really enjoyed it and I'm still thinking about it. I believe it is a well written thought experiment about what is our identity, what defines us, what makes me, me.
  2. Lexi

    Just Do It

    If you are one of those people that talk about wanting to become healthier, my advice is "just do it". Nike has the perfect slogan. I love it. People like to spend time reading/thinking/talking about losing fat or building muscle. If this is you, then you are wasting your thoughts and your...
  3. Catson

    What's the first movie you've seen?

    The first movie I saw was the Rugrats movie. I really enjoyed the movie, despite how nonsensical it was. Thinking of it now delivers a lot of nostalgia.