k-9 police officer

  1. Onthemark

    California Boy Holds Fundraising Event For Police Dogs

    After a year of dedicated fundraising, 9-year-old Wyatt gave close to $1,400 to the Police & Working K-9 Foundation. It all started when his teacher gave the classroom a project. The teacher challenged the kids to come up with an idea that would "leave the world a better place." His mission...
  2. Anthony

    Transit police welcome new K-9s to the team

    The Metro Transit Police Department has welcomed three new members to the K-9 Unit: Nico, Jack and Carlo.
  3. FBI's Newest K-9 Sniffs Out Digital Evidence - YouTube

    FBI's Newest K-9 Sniffs Out Digital Evidence - YouTube

    FBI's Newest K-9 Sniffs Out Digital Evidence One of the newest members of the FBI has a decidedly low-tech method of sniffing out digital evidence: she uses ...
  4. W

    Question about K-9 Police Officer

    What are some of the duties of a K-9 Police Officer? Thank you in advance.
  5. jfarlea

    k-9 police officer and his dog

    Is it ok for the someone to ask a k-9 police officer if they can pet the dog if they are both on duty?