
  1. headmaster

    What was your least favorite subject in school?

    I really could not stand C.R.E. (Christian Religious Education), because I was brought up in a family that was science-oriented. It was a compulsory subject that I found totally boring and irrelevant.
  2. Lexi

    Would this effect your chances of becoming a cop?

    My cousin wants to become a cop - it is all that he talks about. One thing that he mentioned before was how he hates being related to certain people in our family because, he feels that it will effect his chances of becoming a cop. If a few people in your family have a history of drug-use and...
  3. Catson

    If you could cure a disease/ailment, what would it be?

    I'd cure Diabetes Type 1, for personal reasons and impersonal reasons. It's an unfair disease, you're just randomly selected one day to be a Diabetic. You could be the healthiest person in your family, and you would still be vulnerable. It almost seems unpreventable, which is why I would want it...
  4. babyleans

    why do most people like dogs more than cats?

    I was just wondering why everytime a family talks about getting an animal, it's always a dog and not a cat? Don't people like cats? I really love cats!
  5. askanison

    Any opinions on the proposed changes to Memphis Officers benefits?

    I don't want to start a rant thread or a gripe session, but i was wondering if any other departments out there have had benefit cuts and so on and your opinion. If i am overstepping just tell me and i can delete the post. The situation affects my family so i wanted to see how other officers and...