Search results

  1. S

    Can police sit on private property and scan for speeders?

    Can police sit on private property and scan for speeders?
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    I have never fired a firearm

    I plan on being a police officer after graduating college next year. I have never fired a gun before. I don't if it is better that I wait until I get into the police academy or should I go to the range now and practice?
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    I have a firearm

    I have a firearm with no history. I got it along time ago from an old friend. I never used it, I don't know if I should register it, sell it, or turn it in somewhere. Can I even register or sell a firearm without knowing the background? Should I call up the my PD and tell them my situation and...
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    Questions about guns

    I'm moving to New Jersey at the end of the summer and was wanted to know if I can bring my guns. I currently live in a state that basically has no restrictions, but I've been told that that New Jersey has stricter laws. I will be bringing the Remington 12 gauge pump and Smith & Wesson Sigma 9mm...
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    Can this affect me?

    I'm 21 and hoping to get into Law Enforcement. When I was 15 I did something really stupid. I was at a mall in my home town and as I walking out of one of the stores I found a wallet on the ground. So I picked it up, saw there was some money in so I kept it. Someone that I guess knows me...
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    Can a student driver get a ticket?

    Can a student driver get a ticket? And if so how will that effect them when they go to get their drivers license?
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    When an officer is making an arrest does he have to give a miranda warning?

    When an officer is making an arrest does he have to give a miranda warning?
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    What qualifications do you need to be an officer?

    What qualifications do you need to be an officer?
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    bounty hunter

    How can someone become a bounty hunter? Do you need a license, where do you go and get one?
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    I got a DUI in Nevada 15 years ago

    I got a DUI in Nevada 15 years ago. My first and last time. Now I am afraid that I will not be able to become a police officer. Does anyone know what will happen?
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    question about attitude

    Have you found that the badge does change some people once they put it on?
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    Restraining order

    If an exgirlfriend has a restraining order put on me, can I still be a cop?
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    If a person has a shoplifting charge

    If a person has a shoplifting charge on their record from their teenage years, will that exclude them from becoming an Officer?
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    Worst advice

    What's the worst advice you ever received?
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    best advice

    What's the best advice you received?
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    High speed police chase

    Where you ever involved in a high speed police chase?
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    Restraining Orders

    I am trying to get a pistol permit and I was a victim of domestic violence, an order of protection was issued will that affect me from getting a pistol permit in NYC? This was 7 years ago, any information will be greatly appreciated.
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    Hello everyone

    I'm working on getting my degree in criminal justice and currently applying with the law enforcement agencies around me. I hope to learn as much as I can from all LEO's on this site.