Search results

  1. M

    Foot chase

    How many times have you gone after a suspect in a foot chase? What was the longest distance you chased him?
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    Danner Duty boots

    I was wondering if anybody has any experience with the Danner Duty boots?
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    Taser C2 considered a concealed weapon?

    Hello. I was wondering if anybody could tell me is a Taser C2 considered a concealed weapon in Detroit, Michigan?
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    I got a CCDW charge

    When I was younger I got myself a firearm. I had it for about six months, than I got a CCDW charge because it wasn't in my glove box. I know it was my fault. The problem is when a cop pulls me over now they always come back to my car and tell me they want to search me and the vehicle. That...
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    Body Armor

    I'm searching for Body Armor. Any suggestions would help. Thanks.
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    My son got 2 points on his provisional license

    My son got 2 points on his provisional license. What is going to happen now?
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    Would you recommend policing as a career to others?

    Would you recommend policing as a career to others?
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    Son received a ticket

    Our son who has learner's permit was pulled over and received a ticket for going 35 mph in a 25 mph in a residential area. Will this ticket cause any problems or delays when he goes to take the driving test and receive his driver's license?
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    Miranda rights

    What would happen if you didn’t say the miranda rights to a suspect before an arrest?
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    I’m 36 years old

    I’m 36 years old, what realistic chance do I have to make it on the force?
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    Have you ever responded to a bank robbery?

    Have you ever responded to a bank robbery?
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    College education

    If I don't have a college education, will I be on street patrol for the rest of my career or I will have other options? Thank you in advance for your replies.
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    always certain about the job

    Did you always know for sure this is what you wanted to do in life?
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    join the army

    I'm thinking about joining the army for two years before starting the police academy. I feel that I can benefit physically and mentally from it and it would be a big plus to help me in law enforcement. Anybody else take that path?
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    I am a new member, but long time lurker. Not in LE yet, but reading alot of posts on here to pick up some tips to help me in the future with my career.