Search results

  1. IshieVonDyson

    Favorite music albums?

    Does what it says on the tin - I’d love to hear about some of your favorite albums. I’ve got a few, including Zooropa by U2, Parklife by Blur, and Mezzanine by Massive Attack, which I always turn to when I don’t know what else to listen to. And they hit the spot every time. Lately...
  2. IshieVonDyson

    Character alignment

    Where would you all consider yourselves to fit on the character alignment grid? For those of you who play or have played RPGs, do you/did you like to play the same alignment you identify with IRL, or something completely different? I’m definitely in the neutral sector. Most likely neutral...
  3. IshieVonDyson

    Anonymous tip lines

    There have been a handful of times I’ve wanted to use the anonymous crime reporting hotline, but I’ve never really known how it works. My family never trusted it, especially in this day and age when everything and everyone can be tracked. So I was just wondering if anyone could explain it to...
  4. IshieVonDyson


    Hey there, I’m Ellie, otherwise known as Ishie. Been lurking for a bit and finally decided to jump in. I’m always looking to broaden my horizons, and this seems like an interesting place to do so. Catch y’all around the forums! :)