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    Senate reaches deal to end shutdown, avoid default

    Senate leaders on Wednesday announced a deal to end the partial government shutdown and avoid a possible U.S. default. Jay Carney, the press secretary said.
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    Shutdown could last for weeks

    Shutdown enters second week, with no end in sight!
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    Student film crew shooting a robbery scene

    Student film crew shooting a robbery scene at a Glendora coffee shop were almost fired on by police who believed an actual crime was taking place. College Film Takes Terrifying Turn When Cops Almost Shoot Masked Actors In Coffee Shop - Business Insider
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    Nurse fired

    Those words got this nurse fired when she said it to a Police Officer.
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    My height

    Your height won't be an issue, but you might be a little heavy. You need to pass alot of physical tests to become an officer.
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    Peter Dempsey wins Indy Lights race

    The best finish I have seen. It was the closest finish in Indianapolis Motor Speedway history, Peter Dempsey beat Gabby Chaves to the finish line by .0026 seconds. Wow, what a great race! Anybody else see it?
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    Gasoline Policy

    I was looking for info, I wanted see if your agency has a gasoline non payment policy for gas stations? Does your town or state have a law governing the re-fueling of cars and requires the patron who uses the gas pump put the gas nozzle into the pump cradle? We will be drafting new policies and...
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    Winning ticket for $590.5 million Powerball lottery sold in Florida

    Well, it looks like I'm working tomorrow.
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    Topless Women in Public Not Breaking the Law

    Women are allowed to walk bare breasted through the NY city. New York police officers have been told that a woman in public who is topless but obeying the law can't be arrested.
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    Current Estimated Jackpot For The Powerball is $475 Million

    Current Estimated Jackpot For The Powerball is $475 Million! This Saturday night, don't forget to play.
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    Please remember. In Honor of the Fallen Police Week

    Please remember. Lagniappe's Lair: In Honor of the Fallen--Police Week, 2013
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    Boston Bomber is secretly buried in Muslim cemetery in Virginia by woman

    Boston Bomber is secretly buried in Muslim cemetery in Virginia by woman.
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    From a Seven year old boy to his mum

    At bedtime snuggling..Sam: I really love you mum! Mum: I love you too Sam!! Sam: I wish I could marry you when I grow up. Mum: Why would you want to marry ME? Sam: Because you're my favourite girl in the world! A***** At least for now ;)
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    I'm selling a Stinger Streamnight

    I'm selling a Stinger Streamnight Model #75014. Brand new, comes with charger.
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    Any Information on Karbon Arms ECD's?

    My agency is in the process of purchasing several new ECD's. We currently use Taser x26. I had been contacted by Karbon Arms sales department and wanted to know if I was interested. Anybody have any experience with them?
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    Preparing for the annual or semi-annual PFT

    How do you get ready for your annual or semi-annual PFT?
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    I can't belive this Williams Sonoma store pulls pressure cookers from shelves following Boston bombing.
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    Daughter plans to evict her 91 year old dad

    This takes the cake. The worst daughter ever is planning to evict her 91 year old dad. Her father, John Potter has been in the same home for 54 years, since the 91 year old veteran returned safely from World War II. John Potter is about to be evicted and homeless, because of his own no good...
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    Flight delays pile up amid FAA budget cuts

    It sucks to be stuck at the airport for hours. But this really blows, $27,500 per passenger when they are only think of the passengers who pays their wages when think about it. So what is the transportation department really thinking of (maybe their back pocket).
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    New guy from CA

    New Officer on board! Looks to be a great site. I'm eager to give out all the advice that is needed on Law Enforcement.