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  1. car4cher

    Teen apologizes to lemonade stand owner

    A strong and responsible father figure would prevent stuff like this.
  2. car4cher

    Dylann Roof tells jury - there is nothing wrong with me

    This cracka is gonna get fucked hard in the ass by all the brothers in prison.
  3. car4cher

    Should celebrities stay out of politics?

    Actors need to cut the shit with this political nonsense. They seem to only care about the bubble they have created for themselves, they don't care about the rest of us.
  4. car4cher

    Millennial students try to ban Christmas on campus

    Another jerk-off student who really thinks his opinions are worthy scrutiny.
  5. car4cher

    Colleges treating stressed out students like children

    Colleges are destroying students and important American values.
  6. car4cher

    Uncle in custody in fatal shooting of niece

    I don't understand how these horrible thoughts turn to reality.
  7. car4cher

    83 year old Sarasota man hits car salesman with golf club

    Fucking old people think they can do whatever the hell they want just because no one is going to fight them.
  8. car4cher

    Teen accused of murdering mother on Christmas

    The mother probably deserved it...
  9. car4cher

    Police the Police - Bad Cops MUST Go

    Great cop, love his honesty. No BS kinda guy.
  10. car4cher

    Detroit's Most Wanted

    None of these shit-stains deserves life.
  11. car4cher

    Woman dragged off Delta flight was a U of M assistant professor

    God forgive me, but that is one fugly woman.
  12. car4cher

    18-year-old charged in brother's shooting death

    Same shit, different day.
  13. car4cher

    Girl kills bus driver for no reason

    Yummy, that's my kinda woman.
  14. car4cher

    Mom Turned In Son To Police

    That mom knows what discipline is, kudos to her.
  15. car4cher

    Police: Mall brawl appears to have been organized online

    Shocker, more unlawful behavior by.....
  16. car4cher

    12 dead after bloody Christmas in Chicago

    They just find ways to remain violent thugs. Sadly, this will never change.
  17. car4cher

    Why the Berlin truck attack shouldn’t have happened

    They are so hateful. Too bad there is no cure for what they have.
  18. car4cher

    Jury finds Dylann Roof guilty

    That little twat deserves to be tortured on a daily basis.
  19. car4cher

    Cavuto to Obama: Fox didn't win an election, you lost it

    Obama is a good president. He's done a lot for America. I'll sure miss him.....LOL!
  20. car4cher

    Woman arrested, accused of fabricating anti-Muslim attack

    Awhhh, she's just a silly girl.