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  1. P

    In any circumstance can you defend yourself against police brutality?

    I agree that courtesy bequeaths courtesy, but you sound like you are making excuses when it is "okay" to beat on someone in custody. It is never okay. I understand they are human, but they took on the job knowing the stresses it entails. If I worked at a store and I was verbally abused by a...
  2. P

    What are you allowed to keep?

    Seizing funds is different than what you made it sound like. Do you mean they physically find cash and keep it, or are you talking about seized bank accounts? Bank accounts would probably be done by the Federal government. I have never heard of a police department keeping anything they found in...
  3. P

    What should I do if i get arrested but I'm not the one who commited the crime?

    It is always in your best interest to speak as little as possible if you are on the wrong side of the law. It doesn't really matter in most cases, if you are with someone who broke the law, at least at first, it will definitely be guilt by association in the police's eyes. I think they really...
  4. P

    Have you ever called in a tip?

    Muthoni, I would like to know where you live that it is so bad you feel threatened just by talking to the police? Is that how you feel personally (because of bad interactions with police in the past) or is that how most civilians feel? Police in America aren't well-trained (in my opinion) and...
  5. P

    Moving from precinct to precinct for the better deal

    Do officers move around from precinct to precinct to new jurisdiction often? Do young officers come in and decide they want a better deal and move back out almost as quickly? My small town only has fifteen officers at a time, but they always seem to be changing. Would this hurt or help a career...
  6. P

    Do officers switch to new precincts very often?

    Do officers switch to new precincts for one reason or another very often? I mean, does a rookie come in and decide that he doesn't like this precinct or jurisdiction and move on? Do police move around a lot with the bigger, better deal? My small town only has a force of fifteen officers at a...
  7. P

    Police Friends

    I am not an officer, but that is an interesting question to ponder. I have not thought of this. I guess the first thing to consider would be the size of the city. If it's a small town, and everyone knew the cop, it could go either way. If the officer is well-known to be hard-nosed, he may not...
  8. P

    What are you allowed to keep?

    I don't think that is true. At least I have never heard of such a thing. How could they keep anything? It would be evidence, or potential evidence. If it wasn't evidence, it's either illegal or private property. In the case there is a Federal seizure of the property, likely the house and...
  9. P

    How do officers get breaks?

    I have seen on TV that they will go into a restaurant in uniform. I have seen a local truck stop that seems to be a hangout place for state troopers. How does this work? Do they take a lunch or other break whenever they want (an allotted time)? It would seem unlikely, given the nature of their...
  10. P

    In any circumstance can you defend yourself against police brutality?

    I am sorry, but I don't agree with a single word you posted. If a normal person was hitting me, I wouldn't stand there and let them do it. I don't care what I was doing, unless I was attacking them FIRST, no police person has the right to hit me. For me to fight off an attacker (be it cop or...
  11. P

    What "minor" laws do you break?

    I have pirated too, and I have gotten warning letters more than once from my ISP that the owners of the movie knew I did. I was threatened to lose my internet if it happened again. I am guessing after a time, they either forget, or you get it erased from your record. I have gotten at least three...
  12. P

    Speed limit

    I have heard similar things. Old-timers used to tell me that if you stay under 5 miles above the speed limit, you won't get pulled over. Secondary highways here are 55 mph, so 59 would keep you from getting pulled over. I have been pulled over for less than 10, so I wouldn't push it too much. I...
  13. P

    Are the police forces in the US too militarized?

    I am American, and I think it is because so many citizens carry weapons. A large percentage is legal possession. Because the Constitution gives Americans the right to bear arms, many people scream for the right. My view is that it was a law enabled in a time that weapons were necessary for every...
  14. P

    Do people act different on the show cops than normal?

    I am pretty sure they do. Have you noticed how it's always "Harrah for the team" on these episodes? I am not saying the police don't work together, but there's always like nine guys going after one teenager. At the end of a minor scuffle they are literally high-fiving each other like they took...
  15. P

    In any circumstance can you defend yourself against police brutality?

    What I mean here, is if an officer or more than one are obviously roughing a person up, can you physically defend yourself? I don't mean just covering your face with your arms. Can you fight back without added charges? I know the police likely would add charges, but has anyone successfully beat...
  16. P

    What do you consider excessive force?

    Thanks for the recent answers. I wasn't there, but it seemed like they were angry with him and wanted to punish him. This is a mild case, considering how some people end up. This is especially true if a person in custody has harmed another officer. I can understand that police are...
  17. P

    Why don't more prisoners sue the prison when they are sexually assaulted?

    Again, incredibly insightful. I had never thought of any of what you said. I agree that the simple rules that you state would help control some issues in the prison. Snacks, coffee and cigarettes are not something that people need to get by. There is no reason that they couldn't be taken away...
  18. P

    What do you think it takes to be in law enforcement?

    Starting out I think you need to be in shape, but the longer some officers are on the force, it seems some departments will let them get quite overweight. The right mentality, and certain detachment from home and work would be necessary. If a person couldn't do that, I don't see how they could...
  19. P

    Video-recording police

    What do you mean by "purposefully defacing"? If you are recording someone that is committing a crime or a police person being brutal, aren't they defacing themselves? How can the person recording the event make it worse, unless they are somehow involved in the crime. As I have said through this...
  20. P

    Why don't more prisoners sue the prison when they are sexually assaulted?

    I appreciate the insider's viewpoint. I realize that inmates are no angels. I also understand that they will play the system and anyone that feels that they are being violated in some way. I am not saying I believe that a child-murderer should live an easy life behind bars. I am not saying I...