I am so glad this guy is dead. I just wish it was one of the other lackeys he hung out with that ended his life. I think the whole family is scum and it would be great if his mother was next.
Lets say I was in a struggle with a perp, is it ok for me to use a pocket knife if I don't have the ability to reach my gun and I feel my life is in danger. What force am I allowed to use to protect myself in this type of instance?
I ran into a problem with my background packet, if someone could give me any advice on this I would appreciate it. I am having a hard time with the exact dates and addresses for each place I have lived since turning 18. Is this going to be major problem for me?
Hello, I am currently a junior in high school and I will be applying to colleges soon. Looking forward to getting a BS in criminal justice at college. I would love to be a police officer. Any suggestions about what to do to help me get any advantage?
I'm 21 years old and I am 5'5 and weigh 135lbs. Since I was ten years old, I've always wanted to be a police officer. I feel that my size will prevent that from happening. Do you think it's possible for me to get into law enforcement or should start thinking about doing something else?
For years I've been dreaming about becoming a police officer. I have done a few ride alongs and been searching postings for jobs, but I haven't handed in any application.
I feel like now is the time to do it. My biggest concern is I did smoke marijuana when I was in highschool. It has been...
Sometimes when I get out of work I'm so tired I have to pull over and take a nap. I work the overnight shift and live about an hour away from work. I wanted to know if it is legal to pull over on a public road and take a quick nap.