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  1. angorb15

    German police carry out raids across 60 cities

    Not even one arrest? WTF
  2. angorb15

    Trump meets with Sheriff Clarke

    Hope he is put in a significant position under the Trump administration to kick some ass.
  3. angorb15

    HLN Accused Of Media Bias

    It should be a crime for the media to be bias, it is a form of corruption.
  4. angorb15

    Rep. Jason Chaffetz Vows To Continue Hillary Clinton Investigations

    I pray they go after her and lock her up, so we never see or hear from her ever again.
  5. angorb15

    Sheriff Clarke: These protestors don’t believe in the U.S. Constitution

    They are acting like a little kid throwing a tantrum. Just go to back to school, Donald Trump has won.
  6. angorb15

    Watch President Obama Read a Mean Tweet From Donald Trump

    Ha Ha, who's laughing now? Good riddance, thank you for messing everything up.
  7. angorb15

    Judge Jeanine: Trump protesters 'have to be prosecuted'

    I agree with Judge Jeanine. They are domestic terrorist, not protesters!
  8. angorb15

    AU students burn American flags to protest Trump's election

    This is such a disgrace. They should be ashamed of themselves.
  9. angorb15

    Celebrities react to president Trump's victory

    Time for you stupid celebrities to understand that it's not about you. It's about the normal American citizens, stop putting down someone that believes something different from you.
  10. angorb15

    Arizona's Sheriff Arpaio Beaten By Democrat Opponent

    He is a tough Sheriff. But this happens for not complying with a court order.
  11. angorb15

    Teenage Fugitive Offers New Photo Instead Police Mugshot

    Wow, this girl is a genius.
  12. angorb15

    Sheriff Clarke on Trump protests

    Stupid-Ass Clinton supporters show their true colors. Time to take our country back.
  13. angorb15

    Deputy Sheriff Scott Williams

    Godspeed officer. Thank you for your service.
  14. angorb15

    Officer Jorge Sanchez

    Prayers for Officer Sanchez, and for his loved ones.
  15. angorb15

    Hillary Supporters Leaving Clinton Headquarters In Tears!

    The liberals really tried to kill our country and they failed. Now let the grown ups clean up the country before it falls apart even more.
  16. angorb15

    5 people shot in downtown Seattle

    This is why the U.S. is doomed, because of brainwashed kids like this.
  17. angorb15

    Seattle Police Say Shooting, Protests Not Linked

    These protesters support criminals and thieves like Hillary and Obama.
  18. angorb15

    Protesters line the streets of New York to Protest Trump Win

    I think this is one of the true idiots of modern times who appealed to the true idiots who cannot accept a new and ever changing world.
  19. angorb15

    Colin Kaepernick sparks outrage

    Hey Kaepernick, you are an idiot. Buy yourself a one way ticket and move out of the USA.
  20. angorb15

    Community outraged over shooting of elderly man watering lawn

    Real tough guys, going after an old man. Shows you how much these thugs respect life.