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  1. Catson

    Officer Darrin Reed

    Deepest prayers for his family. I'm extremely sorry for your loss.
  2. Catson

    Watch Women Engage In Road Rage Bumper Cars After Store Fight

    I hope the driving license gets revoked, forever.
  3. Catson

    What’s your favorite holiday song?

    Deck the Halls is my favorite. Can't wait for Christmas day!
  4. Catson

    NYPD guard against threats above and below ground

    I’m constantly watching who’s around me. You just never know who might be the one.
  5. Catson

    Cuban-Americans celebrate the death of Castro

    Good times! Hopefully Kim Jong-un will be next.
  6. Catson

    Pro-flag protest at Hampshire College

    This is pure disrespect, please restore the American Flag right now.
  7. Catson

    Backlash After College Decides To Remove American Flags

    How extremely disrespectful to all of our veteran’s. These college students are so disturbed and so dishonorable.
  8. Catson

    Texas Police: ‘The Uniform Was The Target’

    This is so horrible. I'm so sorry for this Officer's family's loss.
  9. Catson

    Drunk driver arrested after crashing into police cruiser in Beacon Falls

    Next time stay home and drink, dummy.
  10. Catson

    Arrest made in shooting of Wayne State University officer

    Prayers for his recovery.
  11. Catson

    Woman fights back during home invasion

    I agree BMR, she used the force that was necessary to protect herself and her property.
  12. Catson

    Political Blame Game - Clinton: FBI Director Sank My Bid

    She refuses to accept any blame. This has been a life long pattern during her career.
  13. Catson

    Illegals Taking advantage of the generosity of Americans to the tune of Billions

    Illegals come here for one reason, to find work. I am not opposed to helping them get off to a good start so eventually they can become a US citizen.
  14. Catson

    Officer Daniel Webster shot during traffic stop

    Now you why the police officers are always on the edge. Rest in peace, Officer Webster.
  15. Catson

    Utah High School Stabbing

    What's wrong with kids these days? Keeping all the kids involved in my prayers.
  16. Catson

    Police: Pa. Officer Killed Responding to Call

    RIP officer. Respect and love to all police officers.
  17. Catson

    Cop Goes Above Call Of Duty By Adopting 3-Legged Dog

    I really hope they catch the prick. Jack is so cute, great job officer!
  18. Catson

    Cops Throw Young Sisters Birthday Party

    How nice! I would of came if I was invited.
  19. Catson

    Is Colin Kaepernick a hypocrite?

    I think people are just starting to realize that this big fool is just an attention whore.
  20. Catson

    Arizona Cop Punch Woman While Trying To Arrest Her

    Oooh, that look like it really hurt.