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  1. btatro

    Ask the Edmonds Cop: Police pursuits

    Thanks for the tips, I always look forward to seeing your videos.
  2. btatro

    Deputy Sheriff Dan Glaze

    Rest in peace Deputy Glaze, my condolences to your family and friends.
  3. btatro

    Mob Beats Trump Supporter

    I will tell one thing, if that was me, I would of shot them all dead.
  4. btatro

    Political Blame Game - Clinton: FBI Director Sank My Bid

    Give me a break, it's everybody's fault but hers. She belongs in prison.
  5. btatro

    Double amputee veteran heading to Capitol Hill

    Wishing you only the best Brian! You are a true hero and thank you for your service.
  6. btatro

    January 2015 Top Contributor Monthly Contest

    I’m very much looking forward to posting. Hopefully there will be a monthly contest. If so how do I earn points?
  7. btatro

    5 Teens Killed in Wrong Way Crash

    How come the suspect always seems to survive? Thoughts and prayers to all the families and friends.
  8. btatro

    Trooper Timothy P. Pratt

    Prayers go out to the Pratt family, both blood and blue.
  9. btatro

    Sergeant Allen Brandt

    Condolences to the entire family and the police community.
  10. btatro

    Police: 14-year-old shot by police fired at officers first

    A child shouldn't be carrying a gun. But it doesn't matter if it's a kid or not, if he is pointing a gun at a police officer, the officer has the right to shoot him.
  11. btatro

    Cop Goes Above Call Of Duty By Adopting 3-Legged Dog

    How can anyone throw a dog from a moving vehicle?
  12. btatro

    Utah High School Stabbing

    Wishing all the kids a speedy recovery.
  13. btatro

    Handgun Training Videos

    Great video. Take some lessons from guys that know what they are doing. I did, picked up some great shooting techniques.
  14. btatro

    Wife tracks Cheating Husband--Bad results

    First off, what a piece of scum disguised as a man. Second, how unfortunate for the wife. I thought it was going to end with the girlfriend getting stabbed.
  15. btatro

    Montana Man Hid Camera In Ex-Girlfriend's Shower

    Quite the pitiful excuse. Please. Glad they saw through that and were able to punish the creep.
  16. btatro

    Mississippi girl burned to death

    Wow. Entirely gruesome. There is no validity in killing someone in any way, but to torture someone in this fashion is sick.
  17. btatro

    Crime in progress. Could you make the arrest?

    Honestly, likely not, and that is why I did not choose a career in law enforcement and instead work in healthcare.
  18. btatro

    Calls 911 for a Date

    Stupid, indeed. Though not sure jail time will be conducive to him.
  19. btatro

    Police deliver pizza after driver involved in crash

    Above and beyond, for sure. Nothing wrong with doing the right thing!
  20. btatro

    Florida Man Found Guilty of Raping an Eight-Month-Old Puppy

    What in the actual hell is wrong with people? Clearly he is incredibly disturbed. I would have sentenced him to institutionalization vs prison, this man is sick!