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  1. btatro

    Florida Boy Calls 911 to Invite Police Officers to Thanksgiving Dinner

    What a wonderful and kind thing to do.
  2. btatro

    Family Members Uninvited From Thanksgiving Dinner Over Differing Political Views

    Something has to be seriously wrong with you if uninvite a family member because they voted for Trump.
  3. btatro

    After Wife Is Killed On Duty, Deputy Receives Coolers Donations

    What a very touching video. Nice to see people helping out.
  4. btatro

    Drunk driver arrested after crashing into police cruiser in Beacon Falls

    Well, I guess he will have something to talk about in jail.
  5. btatro

    Comment by 'btatro' in media 'VSP Mannequin Challenge'

    This is one of the best ones that I have seen.
  6. btatro

    Backlash After College Decides To Remove American Flags

    Snowflake sissies, find a new country to go to.
  7. btatro

    Sanctuary Cities Risk Losing Federal Funds

    Authorities that refuse to comply should be removed from office and sent to jail.
  8. btatro

    The Pistol Disarm

    Wow he has super fast hands...just like Bruce Lee.
  9. btatro

    Rep. Jason Chaffetz Vows To Continue Hillary Clinton Investigations

    If Hillary was innocent like she claims, then she should have turned over everything immediately to put it to rest. Thankfully, her political clout is over.
  10. btatro

    Police agencies struggle to find officers

    Police officers don't ever get a fair shake anymore. Everything they do is always taken out of context. Who really wants to put themselves in that position.
  11. btatro

    Comment by 'btatro' in media 'SWAT Police Mannequin Challenge 2016 - YouTube'

    That was really cool. Those dudes are so insane.
  12. btatro

    School bus driver arrested, charged in deadly crash

    Every parents worse nightmare, my thoughts and prayers for all those involved.
  13. btatro

    Family Of Fallen Soldier Booed On Plane

    Those people who booed should be ashamed of themselves. Many thanks to your son for his service. May he rest in peace.
  14. btatro

    FSPD SWAT training

    Is this like boot camp? I hope that will be me someday.
  15. btatro

    Teen Assaulted After Posting Blue Lives Matter

    Four black thugs beat a white boy for supporting Blue Lives Matter is a hate crime in my eyes.
  16. btatro

    Is Colin Kaepernick a hypocrite?

    Kaepernick is just a worthless tool.
  17. btatro

    Illegals Taking advantage of the generosity of Americans to the tune of Billions

    I have a great idea. Instead of deporting all the Illegal people, can we just deport the Liberals? At least the illegals all have a job and work hard.
  18. btatro

    Police Officer Darrin Reed

    Condolences to the Reed family and police community.
  19. btatro

    Pres Obama Encouraging Protests

    I really hate obama and I don't understand why jon stewart thinks anybody cares what he has to say.