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  1. btatro

    Did Obama let down Chicago?

    Of course he let them down. No question he could have done more. He was just too busy trying to take care of others countries, and he failed miserably to solve America's most basic problems.
  2. btatro

    Sentencing phase begins in Dylan Roof trial

    They still shoot rabid dogs, why not him too?
  3. btatro

    Jury finds Dylann Roof guilty

    I would give anything to be able to get my hands on him.
  4. btatro

    Package thief caught on camera

    I hope karma and the police both get him...
  5. btatro

    3 year old Boy Shot by Road Rage Shooter Allegedly

    This is terrible, it's totally unacceptable.
  6. btatro

    Pontiac dad who confessed to killing son to be sentenced on Monday

    Only a shameful creature can do something like this.
  7. btatro

    Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas?

    Well, I say Happy Holidays because I am Jewish. I could say Happy Hanukkah, but the majority of people I know aren’t Jewish, so that would be silly. Happy holidays covers everybody.
  8. btatro

    Truck Plows into Crowd at Berlin Christmas Market

    Those poor innocent people. Thoughts and prayers to all the families who were injured and who lost loved ones.
  9. btatro

    Drunk hooligan viciously kicks woman down subway stairs

    He should be sterilized. Then shot.
  10. btatro

    2 teens arrested in Polk after Orange County homicide

    Those two ugly motha fuckers should be taught a lesson!
  11. btatro

    Faribault Police Investigating Deaths As Murder-Suicide

    That is horrible!! Why on earth would anyone do that to a little child?
  12. btatro

    Parents of burned child charged with child abuse

    Trash, pure trash.
  13. btatro

    Ambush on KCPD officer

    I appreciate all the police officers that go out there risk their lives for us and the safety of the community.
  14. btatro

    Deputy saves unresponsive baby

    Right place, right time.
  15. btatro

    Officer Scott Leslie Bashioum

    Prayers being offered for Officer Bashioum, his family and all the members of the Canonsburg Borough Police Department.
  16. btatro

    Officer Jude Williams Lewis

    RIP to the officer. God bless his soul.
  17. btatro

    Cop Buys Homeless Man Socks

    Even the smallest acts of kindness do greater things for one.
  18. btatro

    Shop with a Cop 2016

    Well done officers! I hate the negativity about police officers, glad to see some good news.
  19. btatro

    Mannequin Challenge in Alabama leads to two arrests

    Stupid ignorant fools got arrested, good job.
  20. btatro

    Cavuto to Obama: Fox didn't win an election, you lost it

    Totally agree on that point.