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  1. T

    How do police deal with stress on thier jobs ?

    Being a law enforcement official is a very stressful job, you see people at their absolute worst. How do you manage to deal with stress ? Do you sometimes get a negative view of humamity ? How do you manage to leave your problems at work ? Personally I would have a problem dealing with these...
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    Family Outraged After North Miami Beach Police Use Mug Shots as Shooting Targets

    Should police be allowed to use mugshots for target practice ? A South Florida family is outraged at North Miami Beach Police after mug shots of African American men were used at a shooting range for police training. It was an ordinary Saturday morning last month when Sgt. Valerie Deant...
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    Have you ever stolen anything?

    I think it is a stage we all go through when growing up. So I stole small items like pens and pencils when I was a kid. But when I got older I started to realize the consequences of my actions. Unfortunately some people never grow up.
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    Moron Takes Heroin To Court

    This is proof that the guy is mentally incapable. The judge should order the case dismissed and have the guy commited to a mental institute of some sort. Some people have mental disorders of some sort and they are mentally ill. A person like this obviously can not see the consequences of his...
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    Couple Charged After Video Shows Baby Putting Gun In Mouth

    You read my thoughts. The couple looks like they are stone on drugs or something. I am happy I am an old fart to be honest.
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    In any circumstance can you defend yourself against police brutality?

    Police officers are human. I find it highly doubtful that a police officer would just abuse someone for no reason unless they where repeatedly provoke. Be polite when talking to police and you won't have a problem. Have you seen the amount of abuse cops go through. People spitting on them and...
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    Teacher Arrested For Having Sex With Teens While Out On Bail

    I am fed up with this type of thing repeatedly happening. What is happening to our nation ? You are supposed to trust these people with our children. Probably she will get little more then a slap on the wrist. Stricter laws should be passed, and if a teacher harms a child they should get twice...
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    How to spot an undercover cop car?

    I thought many police are now using cars confiscated from drug dealers and other criminals. I know some states are doing this. I am pretty sure that not all criminals use American made cars.