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  1. T

    Police Shows

    Most of police work is boring. TV only shows the exciting bits. So police work involves doing stuff like dealing with stupid drunk people, domestic disputes, taking police reports. In the case of an investigation, lots of foot work, tracking dead ends, questioning people. Ofcourse this does not...
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    What is done with illegal drugs?

    There are elaborate proceedures to ensure they are properly accounted for. Once they are no longer needed as evidence they are destroyed, usually burned. In this case they are again properly accounted for and there are multiple witnesses to ensure none of the illegal items go missing. So no you...
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    Man Tries To Throw A Knife At Police Officers

    The guy is obviously not playing with a full deck. What type of guy takes a knife to a gun fight ? This is while he is in a wheelchair. The guy shouldn't be charged, but commited. He is obviously insane.
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    How should Veteran Cops be punished for abusing the law?

    A police officer is supposed to serve the people, and people put their trust in them. A police officer caught breaking that should be dismissed from the force, and the face a punishment three times was a regular person would face. So if a normal sentence was 5 years, the police officer should...
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    Should police be allowed to get overweight?

    If a person can not control his weight, how can he be trusted to control other things. Overweight cops are disgusting and a disgrace to the uniform. Stop porking up or ship out I say.
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    Police asking you questions that are irrelevant?

    Be polite and as ally79 said pretend you did not hear the question. Anything you say to the police can be held against you. If the police detain you for too long, ask them am I free to leave now. The police will either have to arrest you or lot you go. In the event you are arrested don't answer...
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    Police union to state lawmakers: Don't mess with no-knock warrants

    Why are police allowed to be unionized and why are they allowed to dictate the law ? Police are supposed to implement the law not dictate it. This is why there is a growing anti police sentiment.
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    Mother Sets Baby On Fire

    Many of the jobs which Americans used to do have been replaced by immigrants. These immigrants when they get into supervisory positions will only hire more immigrants. The mother was probably collecting welfare since she can't get a job. Sitting at home all day isn't going to help matters and...
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    Teens Arrested After Alleged Multi-State Crime Spree

    The nanny state no longer allows young people constructive ways to chanel theor energies. Prisons allow convicts more freedoms then the most school children. Back when I went to school there where things like boy scouts and other fine youth organizations. Probably in the modern boy scouts kids...
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    Man Fatally Shot By Police After Mother's Stabbing

    A knife can be just as dangerous as a gun. Any cop will tell you this. The economic down turn and too many adults being forced to live with their parents is probably contributing to this problem. It is really hard for a younger male to get a good paying job where he can be self sufficient...
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    Is police brutality really getting worse ?

    Police brutality shouldn't happen, but with the amount of abuse cops have to take it is amazing it doesn't happen more often. People who attempt to provoke others should be forced to take lessons in how to be polite. Or maybe people are just more stressed now days.
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    Which is a better round, 9mm or 45 ?

    This is a debate which has gone on for a long time. Which is a better round ? The 9mm round has the advantage that it is smaller, so there is a greater magazine capacity. Also since the round is smaller, there is less recoil, which means it is easier to bring the gun back on target. The...
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    Have you ever called in a tip?

    One time I saw some suspicious looking kids sneaking around a house accross the street from mine. So I called the police, and the police apprehended them trying to break into the house. It is always a good idea to keep and eye out for suspious looking characters and call the police. It is always...
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    2 Dead In Florida Mall Shooting.

    The poor economy might be causing more of these things to happen. Until the economy picks up, maybe having more police around malls might be a good idea. Also people should be on the lookout for suspicious type characters and report then as soon as possible. Very tragic.
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    Is police brutality really getting worse ?

    The newsmedia constantly portrays police using excessive amounts of force. But I wonder if the media is showing the exception as opposed to the rule. The media never shows when the police use restraint. Do you think police brutality is actually getting worse ?
  16. T

    Are the police forces in the US too militarized?

    The murder rate in the USA is declining while the police seem to be getting more militarized. A lot of it has to do with government policy. The US government wants to get rid of surplus military vehicles by giving them to the police departments. Also USA is not too big on crime prevention, so a...
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    Man Allegedly Beats Toddler Over Cheesecake

    Maybe the woman was too scared to take the child to the hospital. If the man was beating the child, who knows what he was doing to the poor woman. Domestic disputes are always really messy and a lot of the time the abused person refuses to file charges.
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    Have/would you offer an officer anything when pulled over?

    I have never been pulled over by the police. But I don't think it would be a good idea to offer him things it might be taken the wrong way. I have heard of women flirting with cops to get out of tickets and things. But the harsh reality is women can get away with a lot more then men.
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    What is your line of work?

    I am retired. I have a small pension and it is enough to make ends meet. Fortunately I don't have many expensive habits, so I don't need a lot of money. I spend my time now days walking around talking to people. When I get tired of that I usually go online and chat in forums. To save money I...
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    What is the most popular hand gun amount law enforcement ?

    Traditionally the 38 revolver was the most popular gun with law enforment official, until maybe 30 years ago. Then law enforcement started to switch over to pistols. Are the some law enforcement officials who still use revolvers ? If so why ? What is the most popular pistol that law enforcement...