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    Video: Muskogee Cop Shoots, Kills Fleeing Armed Black Man (Graphic Footage)

    The guy who ran probably was involved in other crimes which the police just don't know about. Otherwise he would not have ran. That will teach him a lesson not to run, but it might be a little too late for him now.
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    Issues between officers

    It really isn't an issues, they usually just make sure the two cops don't work together. There will always be personality differences, but they can be usually sorted out. Also between different law enforcement agencies there is a lot of rivarly, this is not the same thing as working together. So...
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    Facebook Post Prompts Mom to Turn in Son

    Best to stop him younger before he starts to commit more serious crimes. Usually crime starts as a progression, they start with small stuff like shoplifting and then work their way up. Hopefully the kid will get on the right track.
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    Waze and the Police

    This is just a new twist on the CB radio thing back in the 1980s, when amature radio operators would radio the location of cops. Google can be requested to take it down. The site itself can be sued, but the police will lose, it violates free speech, they tried the same thing against CB radio...
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    Community policing

    Most crimes are not solved, because people do not go to the police when they see a crime. Or many times people are scared to witness. It makes people more aware of crime, and it helps prevent crime. This has been proven many times.
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    Regular drinking while on duty in Mexico

    In developing countries you learn not to go to the police when you get into trouble. Most likely the cops there are getting the beers for free from the bar. No matter how bad cops are in America, you learn that compared to developing country cops, they are saints. I am not at all surprised.
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    Police asking you questions that are irrelevant?

    He is just fishing to see if you might be in the process of commiting a crime, or commited a crime. A lot of criminals are caught by routine things like getting pulled over for speeding etc. By asking where you are going, he can see if you are going to a legitimate place or lying. If the...
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    The attitude of the police has changed over the last 30+ years. Now days younger cops have too much of a gung ho attitude. Most of these incidents always happen with younger cops. An older cop knows that a weapon should only be used as a last resort and usually attempts to defuse the situation...
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    Deputy Asks For License, Gets Bag Of Chips

    Other people are being sticks in the mud. Possibly the woman herself might even think it is funny after she sobers up, and after she finishes recovery. People when they are drinking often have no idea what they are doing. If she was at a bar or with friends, they should not have allowed her to...
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    do you think the laws need to be changed on being guilty by association.

    How much did you spend on the lawyer ? Did the state compensate you for the cost of your lawyer when you where found innocent ? Obviously the state never did that, so indirectly you where punished for associating with that person. What happens if you didn't have a good lawyer ?
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    Personal Cameras on each unit?

    It is beneficial for the cops, and it is beneficial for the general public. That way when there are false accusations flying around the cameras can be used for evidence. There are a few bad cops, and a lot of the time they get away with thier actions, because it is the victim's word against the...
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    Texas Bill Allowing Teachers to

    Did you know, that 50+ years ago, students where often taught how to shoot at school ? And sometimes students in the classroom would be handling guns. And how many school shootings where there 50 years ago ?
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    Police gathered at a private house for the Superbowl while on duty

    During a major sports game, while you where at work, you never snuck peaks at the TV ? The cops have radios, if an incident happened while there are there, then they could be called. Providing the cops where not drinking there, it isn't that big of an issue. If stuff is happening like that...
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    How Many Cases Go Unreported?

    You have the story backwards, usually it is the woman who offers the officer sex if he will let her off. Then if the officer gets caught, the woman will claim that the officer was the one that initiated. If the woman initated then both of them should be charged. A lot of this can be prevented by...
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    Philippine mourning for slain police

    A tragic day for all police officers, even in NYC they are mourning their fellow police officers. The Philippines is holding a day of mourning for 44 police commandos killed in a clash with Muslim rebels. The bodies of those who died were returned to Manila on Thursday. They were honoured on...
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    Naked violinist sues police over arrest in Portland last year

    The police should not laughed at the naked guy, but then again they are only human. If I would have arrested they guy, I probably would have done exactly the same thing. Running around naked and playing a violin is just asking for trouble.
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    Two Officers Shot At City Hall

    I am not sure what is getting into people now days. Maybe we need stricter laws protecting police or something. Or maybe life now days is just too stressful and complicated making people act crazy.
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    Man Hits Pregnant Girlfriend With Car

    The guy looks like he is mentally ill. He should be locked up for a long time. It is a good thing there was the video camera there or he might have gotten away.
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    Man Claims To Be Police Officer, Tries To Stop Wife's Arrest

    I see why he was dismissed from the police force in the first place, and not accepted for training. Not the brightest lightbulb in the box. Ofcourse he will scream racism in the end. Too bad when I scream racism it never works for me.