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    Wаr оn Lаw Еnfоrсеmеnt'

    It is a reaction to a reaction. 40+ years ago police officers where universally respected, but then there started to become the new breed of criminal. Police officers started to get tougher, and they went too far the other way, now they treat everyone like a criminal. There is going to be a...
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    How often is a cell phone mistaken for a gun?

    Probably it is a good idea to move slowly and keep your hands open at all times so the cop does not make a mistake. Also it is a good idea not to reach for your cellphone, unless the cop tells you that you can. This means you do not have to answer questions if you choose not to, but just to...
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    Video: Ferguson protesters flip police car outside city hall

    Massive unemployment, real wages have no increased since the 1970s, immigrant now have more rights then real Americans. Things are getting nasty and they will get a lot worse. Some foreign nurses launched a racism case in California because their employer did not want them to speak their...
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    Have you ever called in a tip?

    I called in an anonymous tip to 911, I saw some teenagers breaking into a house so I called in and reported it. I then left the location, but I think the police apprehended them. They probably where just stupid kids looking for easy drug money.
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    What are offenses or crimes an officer "can" commit before he's removed from duty?

    Re: What are offenses or crimes an officer "can" commit before he's removed from duty Legally speaking there are no criminal offenses a police officer can commit, and any violation can have him terminated and criminally charged. Saying that with police usually drinking and driving is a serious...
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    Dumbest things you have seen a criminal do?

    A guy I worked with, while on lunch break, went a robbed a store while wearing his work ID which had the company name and his first and last name clearly visible. The comical part was the guy was wearing a mask and everything. It took the cops around 1 hour to solve the crime, they just went to...
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    Speed limit

    It is up to the police officers descretion. If the speed limit is 50 mph, but there is adverse weather conditions making it unsafe to travel at 50mph, a police officer can give you a ticket for reckless driving. On the other hand if you have a reason to break the speed limit, he can let you go...
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    Should police be allowed to get overweight?

    Police officers should not be allowed to get overweight, how can they run and do their job properly. It also gives a bad image for the force, it is difficult to respect someone who is supposed to enforce the law when he is grossly overweight. Police have enought stress related health problems...
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    Do you think we could see the use of body cameras in our modern day police force?

    It is already happening in some places, in London pretty much the entire downtown is covered with cameras, and no one can go there without being seen. As cameras get cheaper and smaller, eventually everything will be covered with a camera, it is just a matter of time. The amount of cameras bring...
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    Is the law blinded by celebrity?

    It depends on the celebrity, if it is a celebrity that everyone likes they might get lighter sentences. But if it is a celebrity that has a bad boy image, sometimes they get punished harsher then for the crime. Martha Steward got off pretty like considering the seriousness of her crime. Most of...
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    Police officer keeps job despite spitting on teenager

    The former police chief called inhumane and recommended that the officer should be fired, but he was over ruled. Former police chief calls officer's spitting 'inhumane'ASHEVILLE — The city's former police chief says he wanted to fire an officer accused of spitting on a teenager but worried...
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    Mark Twain grave plaque

    I did not know it was stolen but good news for people who are a fan of Mark Twain. The Mark Twain plaque stolen from a monument at Elmira's Woodlawn Cemetery was recovered Saturday in good condition, Elmira police said. No arrests were reported and police released no details on how it was...
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    Ferguson police testing 'less lethal' gun attachment;

    It doesn't seem too practical, after every shot you have to put another ball on the end ? Maybe you might have an accident and actually shoot off your hand. Maybe the contract was awarded to the lowest bidder.
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    Couple Arrested After Meth Lab Explosion

    People who are criminals are never too concerned with safety or other people. They could have destroyed the entire neighborhood. It is fortunate there was not a fire and it didn't spread. I am sure the baby girl will be better off with adopted parents.
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    Former cop compares police who kill mentally ill suspects to nazis

    I never thought of that, I just assumed most modern police get proper trsining on how to handle mentally ill people. Probably they should have social workers working closer with the police when they have to handle mentally ill people. There just needs to be more education.
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    Man Steals Cruiser, Taunts Police Over Radio

    How did the suspect manage to get into the car and drive it around ? Sounds like police negligence in my opinion. I think there is more to the story then meets the eye, the police locked the car, but somehow he got into the car ? Someone was not doing their job properly.
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    Do you fear bloodborne pathogens?

    It is a good idea to get all the vaccinations you can get, anyone can be infected with these diseases, and you might not even know it. Often people who are in the food preparation industry are carriers of the disease, but they are not actually infected with it. That is why there should be better...
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    Former cop compares police who kill mentally ill suspects to nazis

    A Columbia University-hosted panel billed as “improving police-community relations†turned into a cop hate fest Thursday, with one former transit detective comparing cops who kill violent, mentally ill suspects to the Nazis. In addition, civil-rights lawyer Norman Siegel estimated there...
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    Ferguson police testing 'less lethal' gun attachment;

    The police are working on getting better equipment to deal with riots and civil disturbances. This will stop the criminals in their tracks. Ferguson police are testing new methods of incapacitating suspects — six months after a highly controversial police shooting involving one of their...
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    Can Retired Officers Enforce The Law?

    It is everyone's duty to do their part in enforcing the law. This does not mean that you have to arrest the person, enforing the law means reporting crime and assisting police officers by answering questions properly while they are investigating. Most crime goes unpunished because people do not...