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  1. Teens In Crisis

    Fellow officer breaks the law to help someone, what do you do?

    I think that the world is not black and white, and we are all fallible, even law-makers. Breaking the law/rules is something that you don't want to intentionally do, but I think intent has a lot to do with it, as well as the result. Are you creating another victim in some way? Are you putting...
  2. Teens In Crisis

    How To Act When Being Pulled Over

    I was wondering if anyone has any tips or practices that they participate in while being stopped for traffic violations or other offenses. I personally make sure that I greet the officer with a smile, call him sir, and ALWAYS ask permission before reaching into things like the glovebox and...
  3. Teens In Crisis

    Hello from Los Angeles!

    Hello, and welcome to the forum. I think it's safe to say that we all look forward to interacting with you on a regular basis. I agree, this forum is a great place for information and to ask questions.
  4. Teens In Crisis

    Do you watch the news every day?

    I try not to watch the news. I scan headlines, and pay a decent amount of attention to global and very local news, but most of it seems like attention grabbing & fear mongering to me anymore. Noon Newscaster: Does WATER KILL YOUR KIDS? Tune in at 11pm and find out! 11pm Newscaster: Water does...
  5. Teens In Crisis

    Man offers weed to cop and makes it disappear..BLACK MAGIC..!!

    Yeah, I don't think this is all that real. I agree that it looks a little staged. As far as magic/dark magic goes, if you're a believer, no disrespect, but I've got some high quality Alien stool samples that I would love to sell you, hit me up for more details.
  6. Teens In Crisis

    Ebola outbreak fear.

    Honestly, I'm terrified of an outbreak. I lived just outside of Reston, Virginia when Ebola Zaire happened, and although nobody I know died, the visuals of the CDC suits, the tents, and the military vehicles has really stuck with me. If things get to 100 people in America, I'm out. Alaska or...
  7. Teens In Crisis

    If you could live in any country you want, where would you live?

    Without a doubt, and what I'm saving up for now, would be Australia. The population is lower, the land is beautiful, the people are great, the women are beautiful, the jobs are good. I love the place, the attitude of the people, and just about everything (other than the animals that can kill...
  8. Teens In Crisis

    How many hours do you spend on the Internet?

    I spend about 10-12hrs a day, if not more, on the net. I work from home on the computer, blog for a living, and spend a decent amount of time on social networks promoting and increasing traffic for my blogs/posts. It's an addiction for sure, but at this point, it's starting to pay off, so that's...
  9. Teens In Crisis

    Do you blog?

    Blogging is pretty much what I do for a living right now. I make decent money doing it, and it's very therapeutic in a lot of ways. I certainly recommend it, especially if you have a unique perspective on things.
  10. Teens In Crisis

    How Old Does a Child Need to Be to Stay Home Alone?

    I can say that this was certainly not the case for me. When left alone with a brother or sister, I was constantly getting into trouble. Having another persons behavior to feed off of, power trips, and just normal sibling rivalry can turn a lazy TV watching day into something a lot worse.
  11. Teens In Crisis

    How Anonymous Are We?

    It was a pretty horrible experience, and I ended up moving 2000 miles away from that person in the end. They 110% knew it was me by the way the officer was calling me by my first name, and asking follow up questions. I'm sure not every case is like that, but this one really sucked. No good...
  12. Teens In Crisis

    How Old Does a Child Need to Be to Stay Home Alone?

    Aside from the law in whatever state you are from, I think it boils down to maturity and the ability to make good choices. Some kids, at 13 are pretty immature, while other 12 year olds may be trustworthy and known to make good decisions. You have to know your kid, their limitations, how they...
  13. Teens In Crisis

    How Anonymous Are We?

    A few years ago I went in with some information that I had regarding a crime and someone living in my home, they promised it would be anonymous, and boy was I surprised when the cops showed up at my door to talk to the guy, and came right to me like we were old friends. They maintained no level...
  14. Teens In Crisis

    When working out what do you think of?

    I try to zone out and just get through it. It's horrible to say, but I get insanely bored when working out. I know it has to be done, and I try my hardest to meet my daily goals, but sometimes I just feel like I'm running in slow motion and not getting all the things done I could be doing.
  15. Teens In Crisis

    Do you you think police rape ladies when arresting them?

    Like others have said on the board, I think it depends on the country. The officers I've come into contact with, on both sides of the law, have mostly been dedicated men and women who want to SERVE as much as they want to PROTECT. Lately I've noticed a tremendous amount of officers helping out...
  16. Teens In Crisis

    What is your favorite type of movie

    I like EPIC type movies. Troy, Braveheart, Kingdom of Heaven, stuff like that. I'm a huge fan of Ridley Scott and anything he does. I just like the big budget, man on man warfare, that comes along with that. Vikings on the History channel, while not a movie, is my current fix for this type of...
  17. Teens In Crisis

    Funniest things you have heard a Police Officer Say

    This year at the fair I heard someone complain about the way two kids were acting in line. The officer asked, "Sadly ma'am it's not a crime to be an A*hole." I thought that was particularly funny, and honest.
  18. Teens In Crisis

    How Anonymous Are We?

    If you have a tip to give to the police, know someone is committing crimes, or doing something equally heinous, and you bring it to the local police, how anonymous is it really? Will you be forced to testify if it goes to court? Can that be anonymous? What if it involves family and you really...
  19. Teens In Crisis

    Where's the line from child discipline to child abuse?

    If anyone wants my opinion I think it boils down to consequences VS punishment. Punishment is meant to hurt, humiliate, injure, or frighten. A consequences is about cause and effect. If you consequence the action, in a natural and fair way, it's going to be easy to stay away from that "line"...
  20. Teens In Crisis

    Greetings from Arizona

    Hello all! My name is Nick, and I just wanted to stop in and say hello. I'm from Phoenix, Arizona and work with teens in crisis, and spend most of my day with probation and corrections officers. Thank you for allowing me membership and I look forward to interacting with the members of this...