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  1. Teens In Crisis

    Please step out of the vehicle

    Maybe your question gives away the problem. You wanted to know when does the officer have the "right to tell a person..." but you phrased it as, "Please step out of the vehicle" in the title. I don't want to read too much into that, but perhaps you could look at it like the officer was ASKING...
  2. Teens In Crisis


    Here's a question. If you don't know who did it. If you don't have any leads. If you are not getting alerts about your identity being compromised. How much more "investigation" do you think they can do? They're not Batman. An investigation needs to move forward to get resolved. Without that...
  3. Teens In Crisis

    Legalize Prostitution?

    Here are my thoughts on the subject: 1. Who said it's not morally right? What if you're single? What if you're disabled? What if you're a gigantic douche who can't meet people who want to bang you? Who says it's not morally right for them to do it? They're not cheating in the case described...
  4. Teens In Crisis

    Indiana State trooper having fun while directing traffic

    Good for him man! He enjoys his job. I don't see anything wrong with him not standing perfectly still with a grimace on his face. Does this mean he can't do his job? I don't think so anyway. I like stories like this.
  5. Teens In Crisis

    Stupid Robbers Call 911 on Self!

    Where do you live that crime does not pay? Because I see it pay all the time. I see way more people getting away with stuff than I do being caught.
  6. Teens In Crisis

    What's wrong with people

    Unfortunately I don't think this is true. I think that stupidity crosses age groups, sexual orientation, national boundaries, and so much more. Sometimes an asshole is just an asshole.
  7. Teens In Crisis


    Some places simply have rotating shifts and partners that are paired up, not randomly, not they don't have the same partner every time. I think that's a good idea. It stops a certain level of familiarity and comfort, when you need to be aware at all times.
  8. Teens In Crisis

    Chandler AZ Officers Killed RIP

    Recently two cops were killed in town, the second one was this morning. It was a motorcycle cop who was rear ended. Sad stuff here. RIP http://
  9. Teens In Crisis


    Recently on Top Chef they had Boston PD and Boston Fire on the show. They made a lot of jokes about not making food that was "doughnut" related, and there seemed to be a decent amount of ribbing between the two. They specifically mentioned how they are really focused on clean eating at the moment.
  10. Teens In Crisis

    Friends in the academy: Helpful or distraction?

    I would think that people who intend to sabotage others will eventually be weeded out. I would suggest doing what comes natural and focusing on your own strengths. I don't think you'll have to worry about sabotage all that often.
  11. Teens In Crisis

    Very marketable

    "Very" marketable might be pushing it, but it's certainly a great quality to have, especially in your state. I would make sure that you can pass the rigorous testing and hiring practices, as well as stay in shape like everyone has pointed out. Probably wouldn't hurt to start buying study guides...
  12. Teens In Crisis

    Witness Protection Program

    A few states, including California, Illinois, New York, and Texas, have their own witness protection programs for crimes not covered by the federal program.
  13. Teens In Crisis

    If you could have any car, what would you choose?

    I would get a 1955 Ford Fairlane 500... Red & White with a convertible top that folds up into the trunk of the car. Oldschool, classic, and pimp status 100.
  14. Teens In Crisis

    Do you gamble?

    I guess I do when I buy raffle tickets, but other than that no. I have enough other vices that I don't need to just throw money out of the window on things that have 1000000 to 1 odds.
  15. Teens In Crisis

    Can you shoot someone if they trespass a private property?

    Not trying to sound like a jerk, but this sounds like you just want to shoot someone. Have you done anything to disuade this from happening? Automatic lights, motion detection, etc? Is it possible that they are NOT casing the place, you know, since we're all innocent until PROVEN guilty...
  16. Teens In Crisis

    Do you think probation causes post traumatic stress or paranoia symptoms?

    My first response is to ask "Who cares?" I mean, if you're not comfortable with that option, don't commit the crimes, or go to/stay in jail. It's not meant to be a rewarding experience. Not everything in life is rainbows, puppies, and chocolate covered cherries.
  17. Teens In Crisis

    Service Weapons

    Are all service weapons created equal? Are their standards that must be kept regarding cleaning and usage? Do you buy your own or is it provided? What do you prefer to use?
  18. Teens In Crisis

    Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron

    This week has been awesome! Wildcat & Manhunter on Arrow! Ronnie Raymond on Flash! Mockingbird on Agents of Shield! Ultron Trailer was AMAZING! Constantine was good, I dug it! and now Marvel's huge announcements! It's a great time to be a comicbook fan!
  19. Teens In Crisis

    What's your favorite police procedural?

    I'm not really able to get into Homeland anymore. I think that when it lost Brody & his family that it really went down hill fast. It's kind of a shame, I was in love with that show, and his wife!
  20. Teens In Crisis

    At what age you started making money?

    I remember being about 12 years old and making decent money with my brother. We would gather cans for recycling, go door to door and offer lawn mowing services, hang out in grocery store parking lots and offer to help people with their groceries for "tips", walk dogs, babysit, things like that...