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  1. K

    Beer and vacation

    I know where I'm going on vacation. Page 2 - 5 Hidden Craft Beer Vacation Destinations - TheStreet
  2. K

    Have you ever lost in court?

    I don't recall ever losing a case of any consequence.
  3. K

    When can I leave?

    When you are 18.
  4. K


    You are certified once you complete the Police Academy, once you are employed and sworn in, then you are a Police Officer. You can self sponsor or you can go to the PS you want to work and see if they are hiring.
  5. K

    Can police officers carry concealed weapons off duty in different country?

    Why do you need to know? Are you a police officer?
  6. K

    reckless driving

    You would need to have written permission from the owner. If you don't have that you would definately get some tickets. I can't see an owner of a property giving you permission because of the liability.
  7. K

    searching for information

    I do. Just give me a couple of hours, I will PM you.
  8. K

    Attending college

    I'm taking three classes online and still working full time.
  9. K

    I'm looking for a body armor

    I wear point blank LVL IIIA Classic.
  10. K

    Color of my tie

    I would go with red. You can't go wrong with either one, they just like to see you in suit.
  11. K

    Oral Board

    They are all different. Some will ask you if any questions, others don't.
  12. K

    my history with marijuana

    Every agency will have be different. However smoking alot for two years will not help you. There will be alot of candidates that will be picked way before you that will have no drug history.
  13. K

    Breaking in a holster

    I'm going to try that. Thank you.
  14. K

    How can I get my earpiece to stop from popping out of my ear?

    How can I get my earpiece to stop from popping out of my ear?
  15. K

    what can we do

    Do you have the resources to move to a better area?
  16. K

    How is the relationship

    I think it's really good. We all work together. We are a team, family.
  17. K

    Would the volunteering for firefighter help?

    Why volunteer as firefighter? Do you want to be a fireman or a police officer? If you want to be a police officer go and see if you can volunteer at your local police department.
  18. K

    What is on your duty belt?

    Double mag pouch, duty weapon, radio, single cuff case, glove pouch, flashlight, spray, asp, taser x26.
  19. K

    I'm looking for the best energy drink

    I stay a way from those drinks. I drink alot water and eat a healthy snack to give me a boost.
  20. K

    Is a police officer allowed to leave the force

    It's just like any other job, he may leave when he chooses.