Search results

  1. ArtGlauson

    Foul mouthed florida woman vile rant towards Dunkin Donuts employees

    Good way to make an ass of yourself! Way to represent alabama/kentucky. I'm sure you make your people so proud.
  2. ArtGlauson

    speeding ticket with a learners permit

    What happens if a kid gets a speeding ticket when they have a learners permit? My son will soon be getting his permit and I want to warn him about speeding and driving safely.
  3. ArtGlauson

    I made an illegal U turn

    I did something stupid, I made an illegal U-turn over a double yellow line. A police officer witnessed me doing this, so he pulled me over and gave me a summons. I have the court date this coming Tuesday. What do you think I should plea and why?
  4. ArtGlauson

    Police officer saves woman, 6 children from burning house

    Great job Officer Leighton!
  5. ArtGlauson

    Atlanta Police Department Physical Agility Test

    I recently passed the written exam and I'm waiting on their next call for me to take the physical, medical, and cvsa. As for the physical my question is whats up with the 12" step?? The recruiters at the exam told me 5 minutes of doing the stepper I'd have to do a total of 500 steps. How can I...
  6. ArtGlauson

    LEOSA and 24 Hour Peace Officer Power

    An agency in California believes that only officers who have 24 hour peace officer powers (i.e, power to take action as a peace officer both on duty and off duty) qualify under LEOSA as a"qualified law enforcement officer." Can that be right?
  7. ArtGlauson

    Turning off my light bar on a traffic stop

    Just curious what all of you think. I used to leave my light bar on throughout a traffic stop. Now I usually turn them off as soon as I make the stop and leave my flashers on because it seems like people get distracted when they see the lights and makes them more likely to cause an accident.
  8. ArtGlauson

    What to wear under a Bullet Proof Vest

    If you go to Walmart and buy Starter brand you are actually getting a Nike product since Nike bought out Starter. I know a few people who have told me that the Starter Brand Shirt works well, I haven't tried myself.
  9. ArtGlauson

    New guy from CA

    Hey dchalke, welcome I am sure you will be able to add much insite.
  10. ArtGlauson


    Hey Nypd, welcome to the boards. Hope to hear allot from you.
  11. ArtGlauson

    Hey from Florida

    Hey, just found these forums, love the info and looking forward to meeting everyone.;)