Wear a suit. My buddy told me when he went everybody showed up in a suit and tie, except one guy. The sergeant gave him a hard time and told him he better wear a suit from there on out.
camera mic
cell case.
double cuff case
double mag pouch
duty holster and gun
duty weapon
flash light holder
glove case
glove pouch
handcuff case
key ring
mace case
mag pouch
open top cuff case
radio holder
single cuff case
taser x26
I was talking to a police officer and he told me that a few of his fellow deputies think it is better to pay your own way through the academy rather than wait to be given a conditional offer of employment from the department itself. I would like to ask you guys if you would recommend the same thing?
I am going to court next month and I just want to know if you work in a liquor store and you sell alcohol to a minor will it be on your criminal record?
I got a ticket for going 86 MPH in a 55 zone. They said I needed to show up in court. Since I work can I just send a lawyer to go to court for me to fight the ticket or do I have to be there also?