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  1. tbrannon44

    3 NYC men pretended to be Police Officers cut line, buy Grand Theft Auto

    His career is over before it had even started.
  2. tbrannon44

    Road Rage

    Another incident caused by stupidity.
  3. tbrannon44

    Giant Rubber Duck

    Thousands of people went to the harbor of a Taiwanese city on Thursday to see a giant floating yellow rubber duck. Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman said.
  4. tbrannon44

    How long does a background investigation typically take?

    Background investigations sometimes take up to three months. Mine was about two and a half months.
  5. tbrannon44

    ASP aluminum handcuffs

    I like them alot. They are well made and are light weight.
  6. tbrannon44

    Recommendations for duty bags?

    I've had a 5.11 Duty bag for about six years, it works out great.
  7. tbrannon44

    Hi all

    Welcome to the PS site and enjoy.
  8. tbrannon44

    military service or a four year degree

    I feel getting a college degree is the best thing that you can do if you want to get into law enforcement. A lot of LE agencies require or prefer applicants to have a college degree. You also have something to fall back on if LE doesn't work out.
  9. tbrannon44

    got accepted

    Congratulations. You have some time, make sure you get there in the best physical condition possible.
  10. tbrannon44

    Where can I find a good holster for a good price?

    Did you ask your department to see what holsters are allowed? I think you should go check out a few of them out and find out what you like best.
  11. tbrannon44

    I need to buy an armor

    I go with second chance. Pretty comfortable and flexible.
  12. tbrannon44

    I want to prepare to be a police officer

    Go to your local police department and join the Explorer or Cadet program. It's a great chance to ask questions to officers and see exactly what the day to day tasks are.
  13. tbrannon44


    Thanks for joining. Hope to hear from you real soon.
  14. tbrannon44

    We both have court next week

    It depends in the state that you live in. You guys could be looking at a one year prison term, maybe a fine up to $1,000 or both. Do you have a lawyer?
  15. tbrannon44

    pancake style holster

    I've had really good luck with with Mika Pocket Holster.
  16. tbrannon44

    drop leg holster

    They are uncomfortable and move around a bit.
  17. tbrannon44

    thoughts on reserve or auxiliary police

    No experience in that. Where I work, they don't have any police powers of arrest and they do not carry any weapons. They do alot of community functions like parades or they might divert traffic at a concert, game, or an accident.
  18. tbrannon44

    Anybody using dash cams

    Anybody using dash cams for regular patrol, please shoot me a PM. My department is in the beginning stages of possibly doing this.
  19. tbrannon44

    Cocaine Cowboys hitman Jorge Rivera Ayala

    Ya, good luck with that!
  20. tbrannon44

    What beer are you drinking?

    I'm a big fan of Samuel Adams.