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  1. busched

    Black Lives Matter advocate questions heroism of OSU cop

    The officer stopped that murderous animal in the act of attempted mass murder. How is not a hero? Tariq, you are an idiot!
  2. busched

    OSU attacker possibly linked to Facebook rant

    Why do we let these people into the U.S. in the first place? Good job Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, Reid, and other left wing extremist democrats!
  3. busched

    What’s your favorite holiday song?

    I could never choose just one song. I love them all.
  4. busched

    BLM Protesters Clash With Shoppers In Chicago

    What a bunch of ignorant asswipes. Just go away already.
  5. busched

    Chicago Protester: No reason to vote in this country

    This generation is really fucking sad.
  6. busched

    Backlash After College Decides To Remove American Flags

    You don't like the American flag? Get the hell out of my country!
  7. busched

    Family Of Fallen Soldier Booed On Plane

    Shame on those passengers. You and your family are in my prayers, and I thank you for the honor of your sons service.
  8. busched

    Comment by 'busched' in media 'Drone used to catch cheating wife'

    Sorry for your marriage, you should have crashed the drone into her head.
  9. busched

    Political Blame Game - Clinton: FBI Director Sank My Bid

    Hey Hillary, you sound insane. I think you need to up your medication.
  10. busched

    Is Colin Kaepernick a hypocrite?

    Kaepernick is a nobody, and he's just taking up space that is totally wasted.
  11. busched

    Illegals Taking advantage of the generosity of Americans to the tune of Billions

    calicer1996 said^ Hey calicer1996, who are you to deny a person to live in America. It's not their fault they were not born here. How the hell can you be so selfish?
  12. busched

    Bomb Squad Discovers Suspicious Gift Is Actually Love Notes

    I guess someone is feeling a little stupid now.
  13. busched

    Portland, Oregon Police Try to Disperse Protesters

    I don't understand why they are protesting. America is a democracy and Donald Trump won. He is much better than crooked Hillary.
  14. busched

    Over 100 NYPD officers now protecting Trump Tower

    Trump won. Just deal with it.
  15. busched

    Redondo Beach Police Officer Recruitment Video

    Great video, very motivating. Sign me up!
  16. busched

    Mayor Ganim Swears In Academy Graduates

    Great job! Congrats and good luck.
  17. busched

    Watch President Obama Read a Mean Tweet From Donald Trump

    Guess what President Obama, you are wrong again. Get your stuff together and get ready to get out!
  18. busched

    Students Replace American Flags After Vandals Ruin 9/11 Memorial on Anniversary

    What the hell is wrong with people. Kudos to all the students who fixed the damage.
  19. busched

    9-Year-Old Fighting Cancer Sworn In as Honorary Police Officer

    What a wonderful gesture from the police, God bless that little boy.