Search results

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    Too early?

    I'm currently in the Army. My EAS date is May 10th 2014. I was wondering is it too early to start the process for deputy sheriff?
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    Will I be disqualified

    When I was in highschool, me and my friends took Concerta for about a year. I'm turning 20 next month and I have decided I want to be a police officer. Since then I haven't touched a drug, my record is clean. Will I be disqualified if I apply to a police departmet for taking concerta in highschool.
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    What is your starting salary?

    I live in Florida and I'm in highschool. I am thinking about becoming a police officer. I was looking at my local Police Station website and I was a little suprised what the starting salary for an officer. What is your starting salary?
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    What is your favorite baseball team?

    I am a die-hard Yankee fan.
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    suggestions would you give to someone

    What tips or suggestions would you give to someone that is thinking about going into Law Enforcement?
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    Hi guys

    Hi guys. I'm currently in college and once I finish I would like to go into Law Enforcement. I really look forward to talking with everybody and gaining a lot of knowledge and advice to help point me in the right direction.
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    incident with the fake ID

    I would like to be a police officer. When I was twenty I got caught with a fake ID. I paid a couple fines and that was it. I have good credit, no speeding tickets and a very good employment history. How much will the incident with the fake ID hurt my chances of getting into law enforcement?
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    accuracy of crime shows

    I want to ask you guys if you feel there are any accuracy of crime shows in portraying what police do in real life?