Recent content by wailkerant

  1. W

    Giants finally win a game with 23-7 victory over Vikings

    The good new is they finally won a game. The bad news, they still suck!
  2. W

    Sprite the best hangover cure

    Watching NY Giants tonight. Will test theory in the morning.
  3. W

    Favorite movie

    Couple of my favorite movies - Godfather 1 and 2, Goodfellas, Shawshank Redemption, Wedding Crashers.
  4. W

    Will they arrest me when I get there?

    I have a warrant in New Jersey. I'm in Arizona now and I need to get to the DMV to get a new ID card as my driver's license because it is going to expire in a few days. Will it show up on the computer? Will they arrest me when I get there?
  5. W

    I'm looking for some unique questions

    I'm going on my first ride along next week with a department I hope to apply to in the near future. I'm looking for some unique questions that I can ask the police officer.
  6. W

    I want to be a Hostage Negotiator

    After college I plan on going into law enforcement. What I really want to be is a hostage negotiator. What classes should I take? Do I have to start off as a patrol officer and then move up?
  7. W

    Citizen's Police Academy

    Thanks for the response. I'm definately going to attend, it sounds like it would be very interesting.
  8. W

    Citizen's Police Academy

    What goes on at the Citizen's Police Academy? I was thinking about attending their program.
  9. W

    What is the cost of police academy?

    What is the cost of going to the police academy?
  10. W

    Medical discharge

    Is it possible that someone can still become a police officer with a medical discharge from the military?
  11. W

    How do you feel

    How do you feel about all the stereotypes towards police officers?
  12. W

    Does a police officer get recruited to be on the SWAT Unit

    Does a police officer get recruited to be on the SWAT Unit, or does the officer apply to get onto the Unit?
  13. W

    I got into a little bit of trouble

    When I was younger I got into a little bit of trouble, so I wanted to ask if I can become a police officer if I have a couple misdemeanors on my record?