Recent content by primalclaws1974

  1. P

    Do you develop Anxiety?

    I also concur that PTSD is the likely outcome of officers that have anxiety. I just don't see a lot of the "tough guy" sorts dealing with their stress through a therapist. The anxiety is going to build until it breaks them. This really is too bad, because I believe if they have this kind of...
  2. P

    Would you do it?

    Almost certainly, most cops let certain people slide. I live in Iowa. A few years back the Governor's kid killed someone with his car. Granted, it was an accident, but he should have still faced vehicular manslaughter, or something. The kid ended up getting off scot free. As for more simple...
  3. P

    Police entering your home without permission

    I have to admit that I am somewhat surprised that they didn't want to go into your home (with or without your permission). When you confirmed this person had lived there at one time, that would probably have been considered probable cause to enter your home. I have a friend who lived on a farm...
  4. P

    Do You Trust Your Local Law Enforcement?

    Good question. When I was a teenager and young adult I did not trust police. This wasn't because they were corrupt, but because I was always in trouble with them. That was my fault, not their's. They were only doing their jobs. Today I am 41, and have not even got a ticket since 2007. I don't...
  5. P

    Who Loves Comic Books?

    I am 41, and I still read comic books occasionally. I have been reading them since I have been able to read. I mainly like Marvel superhero books. I really dislike the graphic novel formats that replaced traditional comics in the 90s, although I will still read them once in awhile. I generally...
  6. P

    What is the first thing that you do when you wake up?

    Dread another day, and then face it. I know that sounds really pessimistic, but at the moment it is the honest answer. I have a routine of telling me wife good-bye for the day, as she heads off to work and then I make breakfast for my son and see him off to school. My three-year-old wakes up not...
  7. P

    In any circumstance can you defend yourself against police brutality?

    Not that I would condone ambulance chasing, but you do have a point there about sucking it up. But humans are no different than any other animal. We have a "fight or flight" response. Standing (or laying) there and getting beat up isn't what we are programmed to do. The natural response would be...
  8. P

    Regular drinking while on duty in Mexico

    I have to agree with you. It seems people are always putting down America and it's problems, but by comparison, we have it really decent around here. I could name a dozen countries that are well-known for corrupt police and government. The USA may not be perfect, but our government and police...
  9. P

    Regular drinking while on duty in Mexico

    I wasn't generalizing an entire people. It wasn't as if I was saying "all Mexicans sit around and get drunk all day instead of working". This was a lot more specific. The United States has no worse drug or alcohol problem than any other place in the world. Name a country, and I can name at least...
  10. P

    Is the 911 number abused too much?

    I imagine they would handle the situation, since 911 is fairly local anyway. Unless someone is calling in false reports, or calling and saying that so-and-so ripped them off in a drug deal (which has actually happened more than once), they should cut some slack to people. This could cause some...
  11. P

    Most Hated Stereotype?

    I think one stereotype is that they are lazy. The obvious cops in the doughnut shop when they should be patrolling. There's also the stereotype that most or all cops are dirty one way or another. There's always been rumors flying around here that the police use the drugs they confiscate as well.
  12. P

    Issues between officers

    A lot of suggestions on this forum state that cops are like brothers and sisters, and they would protect their own. But what happens when an unresolved issue comes up between officers? How does this get solved? Does the commanding officer try to settle it? Does he/she send them to a psychiatrist...
  13. P

    Police gathered at a private house for the Superbowl while on duty

    I am sorry, but that is ridiculous. They are not paid to watch a football game or enjoy other hobbies. They are not firemen, who do wait for calls, they have to go out and find trouble. That is what the nature of their job is. I don't think that you would be so understanding if you or someone...
  14. P

    Regular drinking while on duty in Mexico

    I wasn't talking about New Mexico. I have spent time in New Mexico, and I found the people very friendly and helpful. I didn't see a bigger alcohol problem there than any other part of the country. I know that this post might be a little insulting to Mexicans, because of the stereotype. You were...
  15. P

    If local police cannot handle a situation, who do they call for help?

    I am not talking about a major incident like Ferguson. I mean a small town that might only have one or two officers on at a time. If the situation is too big to handle, do they call the Sheriff's department? Is the State police brought in? Do they call in reserve officers that may be off-duty...